Hamza Zaidi

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Al otro barrio

Al otro barrio

Dec 05, 2024
Trying to deceive the Treasury has been a very tempting option for Andrés (Quim Gutiérrez), but he didn't count on them ending up getting caught. And that is exactly what has happened to him. In addition to the million-dollar fine that has fallen on him, he must now move his offices to the Los Caños neighborhood, in the most marginal suburb of the capital, or so it seems to him. But Andrés was taking advantage of a juicy subsidy for having his headquarters there, without him having ever set foot in the neighborhood. Reluctantly, he and his employees move to Los Caños and that is not as bad as they expected... It is worse.
Como Dios manda

Como Dios manda

Jun 02, 2023
Andres Cuadrado is an old-fashioned civil servant. Conservative and somewhat macho, he takes his job at the Ministry of Finance very seriously. He considers himself above all a person "as God commands" and, consequently, he takes it for granted that everything responds to a natural, hierarchical and immovable order. After an unfortunate confrontation with a colleague, Andrés is disciplined and transferred to the Ministry of Equality. There everything is totally new to him: there are no assigned places, no schedules, and everyone is a vegan. Andres will have a lot of catching up to do to adapt to this new order of things.
Le Book club mortel

Le Book club mortel

Aug 25, 2023
Huit étudiants se retrouvent chaque semaine dans un club de lecture pour partager leur passion de la littérature d'horreur. Après une blague costumée qui dégénère en accident mortel et débouche sur un pacte de silence, les jeunes se retrouvent harcelés par un mystérieux personnage qui a l'intention de révéler leur terrible secret. L'individu menace de poster sur les réseaux sociaux un roman sanglant inspiré de leur histoire. À chaque chapitre publié, l'un d'eux mourra. Tandis que la défiance s'installe au sein du groupe, chacun se prépare à défendre chèrement sa peau au milieu du campus universitaire. N'importe lequel d'entre eux pourrait être la prochaine victime… ou l'assassin.
Ocho apellidos marroquís
Follows the Díaz-Aguirre family, whose perfect universe turns upside down after the death of the patriarch, who in his will asks his wife to recover the 'Sardinete', his first fishing boat which is rusting in a Moroccan port.
La ignorancia de la sangre
Javier Falcón, Chief of the Sevilla Homicide Division, must solve two different cases in a short time. In the first case he is personally involved. An old friend of his infiltrated an Islamic terrorist cell and now the group is trying to recruit his young son for their cause. The same case hits even closer at home. A war is raging between two clans in the Russian Mafia. When an important mobster tries to defect, he gets killed in a car crash. On the scene, the police find an encrypted USB stick with highly explosive information. Then the son of Falcon’s girlfriend Consuelo is kidnapped. They are contacted by both Mafia clans claiming they have the kid and wanting to get their hands on the information. And both say they will kill him if Falcon doesn’t give them the stick


Oct 20, 2016
Journaliste spécialiste dans les crimes, Dicte Svendsen retourne dans sa ville natale d'Aarhus au Danemark après son divorce. Téméraire et têtue, elle ne baisse jamais les bras.