Bufort McClerkins

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Police Fédérale - Los Angeles
Véritable tête brûlée, Richard Chance travaille pour les services secrets américains. Le jour où son coéquipier Jimmy Hart est abattu alors qu'il menait une opération en solo pour coincer le faussaire Rick Masters, Chance, obsédé à l'idée de se venger, décide de monter un coup tordu des plus illégaux avant l'arrivée de son nouveau coéquipier, John Vukovich, en braquant un convoyeur de fonds... qui s'avère être un agent du FBI infiltré et qui est abattu accidentellement. Obstiné, Chance continue à tendre son piège autour de Masters, malgré le déluge de violence qui s'abat autour de lui.
Police Academy 2 : Au boulot !
Nettoyer le quartier le plus mal famé du monde quand on est les plus mauvais policiers de la Terre : où est le problème ? Carey, allergique à l’uniforme et à la discipline, sait se montrer courageux et va assumer cette mission suicide avec toute sa bande de flics incapables…
L'arme suprême

L'arme suprême

Oct 01, 1992
Jeune et fraîche, Vickie ressemble à une innocente étudiante ; elle est en vérité l'un des flics les plus coriaces de Los Angeles. Pas le genre à baisser les yeux ou à fuir. Vickie fait toujours face, surtout aux seigneurs du crime. Et lorsque Salvador, un puissant et cruel trafiquant de drogue de la côte Ouest, entreprend d'agrandir son empire, il tombe sur Vickie justement, plus déterminée que jamais à en découdre...
The Bikini Carwash Company
A young midwest man comes to L.A. to take over his uncle's carwash an gets help from a shapely business manager. Together they hire gals to wear skimpy bathing suits... or nothing at all... to clean up in more ways than one.
The Bikini Carwash Company
A young midwest man comes to L.A. to take over his uncle's carwash an gets help from a shapely business manager. Together they hire gals to wear skimpy bathing suits... or nothing at all... to clean up in more ways than one.
Direct Hit

Direct Hit

Dec 14, 1994
After informing his CIA handlers that his next hit will be his last, John Hatch discovers that his target isn't a criminal at all. Refusing to take the woman out, Hatch instead takes it upon himself to protect her and expose the web of corruption at work.
Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

Jun 09, 1994
After surviving a sneak attack on himself and fellow agents Jimmy and Gene as they were transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail, FBI agent Jeff Douglas becomes an uwitting pawn of the White Hand drug cartel. Mistakenly told that his already murdered family is being held hostage, Jeff is forced to turn one-time courier for the White Hand, whose leaders are Manta and four others named Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee. After surviving a car-bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff learns the truth about his family being murdered, and he sets out to exterminate the White Hand cartel. Unofficially aided by an agent named Megan, whose mother was raped and murdered years ago, Jeff steals FBI files and begins his campaign of revenge on the White Hand cartel.
Kinjite - Sujet Tabou

Kinjite - Sujet Tabou

Feb 03, 1989
After surviving a sneak attack on himself and fellow agents Jimmy and Gene as they were transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail, FBI agent Jeff Douglas becomes an uwitting pawn of the White Hand drug cartel. Mistakenly told that his already murdered family is being held hostage, Jeff is forced to turn one-time courier for the White Hand, whose leaders are Manta and four others named Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee. After surviving a car-bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff learns the truth about his family being murdered, and he sets out to exterminate the White Hand cartel. Unofficially aided by an agent named Megan, whose mother was raped and murdered years ago, Jeff steals FBI files and begins his campaign of revenge on the White Hand cartel.
Maximum Force

Maximum Force

Oct 07, 1992
Three renegade cops team up to take on the corrupt chief of police and a crime lords hatchet-man.
Terminal Force

Terminal Force

Dec 08, 1994
Three renegade cops team up to take on the corrupt chief of police and a crime lords hatchet-man.
Science Fiction
Private Wars

Private Wars

Oct 13, 1993
A wealthy businessman is trying to "convince" the inhabitants of an old neighborhood to abandon their homes in order to build a huge business center there. To achieve his goals, he bribes the police and uses organized bands to intimidate the neighbors. But perhaps this alcoholic ex-cop, Manning, could help them, but how?
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
A wealthy businessman is trying to "convince" the inhabitants of an old neighborhood to abandon their homes in order to build a huge business center there. To achieve his goals, he bribes the police and uses organized bands to intimidate the neighbors. But perhaps this alcoholic ex-cop, Manning, could help them, but how?