In Ulster, Major Trumbull is put in charge of overseeing the completion of a hospital on time. As the pressure increases, he replaces well-liked foreman Desmond Doherty with brash Scanling, which angers the men.
There's a killer on the loose in London, and whilst our typically craggy copper DI Rowan investigates, Judge Lomax is busy in court, dishing out harsh sentences to everyone who comes before him.
John Steed, un agent des services secrets britanniques, flanqué d'accortes acolytes nommées Cathy Gale, Emma Peel ou Tara King, combat le crime et résout des mystères souvent mâtinés d'énigmes surnaturelles. Sans se départir de son flegme et ponctuant ses actions de citations tirées de Shakespeare ou Wilde, il affronte des criminels plus flamboyants et mégalomaniaques les uns que les autres...