Hanna Maria Vea Grønneberg

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Jan 27, 2023
Après son premier amour, le jeune Edvard Munch se rend à Berlin où la révélation de son génie se heurte aux réticences de l’arrière-garde. On le retrouve plus tard à Copenhague, en proie aux doutes et en lutte contre ses propres démons. Au crépuscule de sa vie, il consacre ses dernières heures à préserver son œuvre de la mainmise des nazis qui occupent la Norvège. Ces motifs dressent le portrait foisonnant et changeant de l’homme derrière Le Cri.
Møtes i døra

Møtes i døra

Jun 15, 2017
After Nader and Janne share a tense moment in a bus doorway, this chance encounter transports them into a shared reality. As one door closes behind them, countless others open. Coincidence (or is it fate?) causes their paths to cross a second time, and they step through yet another doorway, into their future. Together, the couple must fight to face both minor challenges and major surprises.
Oslos rose

Oslos rose

Sep 20, 2015
For more than two years, Nader has been head over heels in love with Janne but unable to let her know — an untenable situation for both his work and creativity. At last, one night at the bar, it appears Nader may be able to finally speak and free himself from the writer's block that has plagued him.


Dec 25, 2020
Le parcours de la famille juive Braude lorsque les Juifs sont arrêtés et déportés du camp Berg, sur le navire Donau et jusqu'à l'extermination dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz.


Aug 08, 2024
Pørni is about the dilemmas that you end up in when you, to the best of your abilities, try to do the right thing for your loved ones, and yourself. In that order. Pørni has two daughters with a jerk of an ex who has moved to Copenhagen, who focuses mainly on himself.