Dominic Fung

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Nov 11, 2008
Bull is a darkly comic neo-noir set among the heatwave-baked skyscraper canyons of the Toronto financial district. A hapless stockbroker named Charlie finds himself caught up in a twisty web where no one — no one at all — is telling the truth. Charlie isn't very good at his job — something his powerbroker boss Jay explains to him in exactly so many words. But then Jay also offers him an opportunity: a vague and somewhat shady opportunity, sure, but Charlie doesn't have much choice. And before long Charlie finds himself mixed up with all manner of dangerous characters, persistent detectives, beautiful women wearing surprisingly little, and a threatening and mysterious individual named Roland Gow.
Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast

Apr 03, 2004
Barnaby and Maxine Pierce, an embattled married couple in Connecticut, are on the verge of divorce. Their son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way, as they visit family and friends, they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement.
Mayday : Dangers dans le ciel
Cette série revient sur les grandes catastrophes aériennes. Ces films, mélange de reconstitutions et de témoignages, nous plongent dans une atmosphère angoissante et un suspense haletant. Interventions des survivants et des parents de victimes, explications d’experts, étude de la boîte noire de l'avion, rapports des autorités… Un important travail d'enquête a été mené afin de tenter de comprendre les raisons de ces crashes.
Sue Thomas, l'œil du FBI
Sue Thomas, une jeune femme atteinte de surdité quitte sa ville natale afin de réaliser son rêve de travailler pour le FBI. Accompagnée de son chien de support pour malentendants, Lévi, elle réussit à se rendre utile grâce à son excellente capacité à lire sur les lèvres.