Khrystia, a peasant woman from a provincial village, decided to leave for the city in search of a better life. But, having not found there either a better life or happiness, she perishes ...
The investigation of a complex, complicated case of the murder of an engineer, a former prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp. The criminal, one of the executioners of this camp, did not escape retribution.
Archaeologists have found on the island of Eagle remnants of slave shackles. On the expedition, rumors of an old legend spread about the figure of Achilles, who sometimes appeared on the local rock, and who was helping the sailors to find a safe fairway in bad weather. The expedition after a long search finds nothing and moves out, but the leader decides to stay. And after a while, he discovers a mysterious state created by runaway slaves...
In the first days of the war, the mother lost her little daughter. Mikhailina found her and took her in, no doubt that she could become her real mother. All subsequent years she lived for the sake of the girl. But as time went on, the real mother continued to look for her child...