Durant la guerre civile, dans une ville portuaire, des soirées de poésie sont organisées. Deux amateurs locaux de poésie y brillent particulièrement, Orlovski et Tarasov. Pris dans des événements dramatiques, Orlovski se range du côté des Blancs, tandis que Tarasov combat aux côtés des Rouges et intègre le régiment de cavalerie de Kotovski. Il participe à la libération de la ville et tombe amoureux de Olga Danilova.
The story of an English pilot who crashed in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, and whose life is saved by a woman and a boy - two partisans near the enemy lines, Long afterwards in England he remembers the Russians with affection, tells his friends about his experiences, and resolves to go back to find the two partisans his heart remembers.
After the partisans Julia, Pavel and Sergei went out on a combat mission, the detachment was surrounded and destroyed by punishers. Years later, a document was discovered stating that one of the three was a traitor.
A criminal drama based on the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. The first years of Soviet power in East Siberia. Malyshev,deputy chief of Criminal Investigation Department, a Komsomol member, wins over to the Soviet power a former field-hand and now a bandit Lazar Baukin, and the latter tells him about Vorontsov, the gang leader. Malyshev guarantees Baukin’s freedom. However the chief arrests him in order to reap laurels of catching the gang leader. Malyshev is in despair - he has brought under execution the man who has fully trusted him. The situation gets worse due to his personal drama and Malyshev commits suicide.
Two foolish and frivolous guys cause suffering for the whole youth union at the factory. It was already decided to dismiss Anatoly Grachkin and his friend Victor Gromoboev but they are taken under the wing by Nadia Berestova, a diminutive funny woman, known as the popular one at the plant.
At first, Nadia took it with reluctance and apprehension, but gradually this commission became the most important thing in her life.
Czechoslovakia, May 9, 1945. The end of the war has already been announced. Nikolai Savelyev dreams of returning to his hometown and teaching children history again. Suddenly a battle begins - the SS unit is trying to break through to the west. The battery commander chickened out and fled. Savelyev takes command. He receives a serious injury that leads to blindness. He is accompanied to his hometown by nurse Svetlana. Nikolai does not immediately manage to find his place in life...
Soviet Scientist Petrovich pioneers the way to the Sun, but his spacecraft is never heard from again. Later, Andrew's laboratory investigates means of protection from deadly radiation. Andrew repeats Petrovich's journey, and offers his life to rescue an orbiting science laboratory, which holds the solution to the problem.
It is May 1912. Thirteen political prisoners are being tried in a naval fortress of Kronstadt. They are sentenced to death by hanging. A clandestine Bolshevik organization decides to free the prisoners during their transfer to the place of execution. Vasily Panin, a junker of a school of naval engineers, is one of those entrusted with this dangerous task.
Une vingtaine de pilotes de l’armée de l’air française, opposants à l'Armistice et aux ordres de Vichy, se rendent en URSS en 1942 pour suivre un entraînement intensif. Une fois formés, ils deviennent le Groupe de chasse Normandie-Niémen et combattent l'ennemi auprès des Soviétiques.
White troops are approaching the village. A small garrison of Red Army soldiers decides to evacuate civilians and a wounded soldier to safety. This important task is entrusted to the young Komsomol member Efimka. The carts leave the village and travel along forest roads, but lose their way. At night, at a rest stop, Efimka, his mother and Verka talk about the future, about a forty-story house with a tower, a star and a spotlight - let it shine!..
Political thriller based on a story of coup against Bolsheviks by the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party in Moscow on 6–7 July 1918. They assassinate German ambassador in Moscow in hope of gaining public support and dragging the country into new war with Germany.
Two young people from the country arrive to Leningrad hoping to get into university. She succeeds, and he fails but stays in the city to try again in the next year. She helps him but starts having troubles with her own studies...
A young ordinary communist, Vasiliy Gubanov, was among many who took part in the construction of the most important facility for the young republic, the power plant. He did his job in a way that was beyond human ability. He could love, too, with a passion and a passion for self, but his life was cut short very early.