Yevgenia Albats

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Срок. Начало большой истории
The documentary project The Term was conceived in May 2012. When the directing trio commenced mapping the Russian sociopolitical landscape, Vladimir Putin had just settled into the Kremlin for his third term. The original experimental format of “documentary bulletins,” which were published daily online, allowed for wide-ranging content; in the feature film version, however, the filmmakers focused solely on the members of various opposition groups. Nevertheless, the work’s neutral position remains and viewers have to interpret the objectively presented situations for themselves. The main characteristics of this strongly authentic movie include close contact with the protagonists, precise editing, and an effectively controlled release of information.
Poutine et les présidents états-uniens
Témoignages à l'appui, ce film retrace les diverses tentatives de Washington de créer de bonnes relations avec Moscou, et les échecs successifs des administrations américaines, qui ont laissé le champ libre à Vladimir Poutine. C'est aussi la genèse de la guerre en Ukraine qui s'écrit entre les lignes.
Зима, уходи!

Зима, уходи!

Aug 02, 2012
Ten director graduates from Marina Razbezhkina’s School of Documentary Film and Documentary Theatre lived with a camera for two months in order to chronicle the last “Russian winter” and its popular uprising against Vladimir Putin’s presidential run. People, faces, conversations, protests, failures and triumphs come together to chronicle the campaign.
Amis jurés : Trump et Poutine
Les États-Unis et la Russie sont-ils condamnés à se détester ? Entre rivalité historique, ambitions de puissance et volonté affichée de coopération, décryptage de l’énigmatique relation entre Donald Trump et Vladimir Poutine.