When a suspicious death remains unsolved, three boys suspect a reclusive Indigenous man named Bobby (Kelton Pell) and relentlessly harass him until one of the trio breaks the toxic cycle to make amends.
In a rural Australian town, a sick Mother fears unspeakable evil will soon snatch her 11 year old daughter, Violett. As bizarre visions and disturbing characters from the neighborhood emerge, Sonya is about to discover more than just one grisly truth.
Set in late 1960's Australia, Henry and his father George are two different kinds of men, yet the pressures of an overbearing father divert both their futures.
Ghost Turd is a horror/comedy about a vengeful spirit that haunts an inner city dog park. The spirit preys on dog owners who don't pick up after their pets.
When a malevolent creature resides inside the artwork of a 10 year old girl, fate is sealed, with trauma from her childhood echoing across her life. Art and horror collide when the girl becomes a Mother and desperately tries to come to terms with her delusions and the shocking truth of her daughter.
Le Dr Lucien Blake a quitté Ballarat dans sa jeunesse. Mais maintenant, il se retrouve à reprendre non seulement la pratique médicale de son père décédé, mais aussi son rôle de garde en tant que chirurgien de la police de la ville, seulement pour découvrir que le changement est en cours, que rien n'est sacré et que personne n'est en sécurité.