Roger Angell

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Baseball: The Tenth Inning
In an age of globalization and deregulation, a cataclysmic strike over money and power brings baseball to the brink; dazzlingly talented Latin players transform the sport; Cal Ripken becomes baseball's new Iron Man; and Ken Griffey, Jr. and Barry Bonds are simply dazzling. The Braves dominate the National League while the Yankees build a new dynasty. As home run totals soar, sluggers Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa smash one of the game's most hallowed records. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, players on every team must make life altering decisions about how far they are willing to go to succeed.
It Ain't Over

It Ain't Over

May 12, 2023
Lawrence Peter « Yogi » Berra est un des plus grands joueurs de baseball de tous les temps. Ses statistiques phénoménales parlent incontestablement pour lui. Pour autant, on retient presque plus de lui sa personnalité unique et ses apparitions extra-sportives. Ce documentaire émouvant lui rend hommage en s'attardant sur tous les aspects de sa vie : joueur, manager, militaire, orateur, entrepreneur, père et mari aimant… Sa petite-fille, Lindsay Berra, raconte son histoire avec l'aide de ses fils, de ses anciens coéquipiers des Yankees, des joueurs qu'il a dirigés, des écrivains, des producteurs mais également et surtout des fans de ce personnage haut en couleur.
Once Upon a Time in Queens
The story of the 1986 Mets, one of the most dominating, infamous, and magical teams of all time. The series traces the team's origins back to the late 1970s. The story of their triumph may have been magical, but the tale of their fall was inevitable.


Sep 28, 1994
The history of the sport of baseball in America, told through archival photos, film footage, and the words of those who contributed to the game in each era. Writers, historians, players, baseball personnel, and fans review key events and the significance of the game in America's history.
Baseball: The Tenth Inning
This two-part sequel to the 1994 series Baseball continues the story of America's national pastime from the early 1990s to 2010. This transformational period leads off with the 1994 players' strike. Other key developments and milestones include the increasing dominance of Latino and Asian players who truly turn the game international; skyrocketing profits; the Red Sox' historic World Series victory; the astonishing feats of Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds; and the revelations about performance-enhancing drugs that cast a shadow over many athletic accomplishments.