A mermaid struggles with identity in an alienating suburban world without running water. In this poignant and hypnotically vivid fantastical drama, Australian Directors’ Guild award-winner Chloe de Brito depicts the isolation, disconnection and dysphoria that sometimes come with the search for belonging.
A young teen struggles to navigate the floating drug world of the west, haunted by a familial past and an unknown future. A lone wolf comes to his defence, but it will take more than friendship to survive.
Blaze, une jeune fille de 12 ans, est témoin d’une violente agression qui la traumatise. Elle se réfugie alors dans son monde imaginaire. Son père, qui l’élève seul, essaie tant bien que mal de l’aider à à affronter sa tristesse et sa colère.
A space princess is thrust out of her sheltered life and into a galactic quest to save her bounty hunter ex-girlfriend from the Straight White Maliens.
Lorsqu'un tsunami frappe la réunion des dix ans d'un lycée de jeunes filles, le groupe doit trouver un moyen de survivre, non seulement à l'apocalypse, mais également les unes avec les autres.
When 21-year-old Elsie discovers that her hustler father Robert is being hunted down by a merciless crime boss over a bad debt, she decides to help him, sparking the beginnings of a reconciliation and a dubious reign as partners in crime.
Small town girl Jade has a powerful ability. She can hear when and how people are going to die. She ran away from her hometown and gets by working at a seedy freak show carnival as the "Fortune-Teller of Death", but now people are after her. There's more to her past than she lets on, and there's more to her abilities than she knows.
Erotic Stories is a bold and transgressive anthology series exploring sex and intimacy amongst diverse characters not traditionally seen as sexual leads.