Ortensia Fioravanti

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Feb 22, 2022
Le père Abraham était prêt à sauver le monde d'une menace maléfique grâce à l'exorcisme, jusqu'à ce que la tragédie le frappe. Des années plus tard, il vit dans une ferme isolée avec sa fille, hanté par les visages de ceux qu'il a sauvés et de ceux qu'il n'a pas pu sauver. Après avoir trouvé une créature humanoïde rôdant dans les bois, il tire sur le monstre et l'incinère. Mais très vite, il découvre que la bête n'était pas seule et que ses ennuis ne font que commencer...


Jan 01, 1970
A prototype therapy AI robot cracks under the pressure of meeting her inventor's expectations and needs to decide to either help millions, or herself.
Science Fiction
Baby Doll

Baby Doll

Oct 31, 2021
Four foreign exchange students from Italy, stranded in an abandoned house spiral as their worst fears are realized; They are being haunted by a terrifying evil.
Being Within

Being Within

Jul 02, 2022
Indulging in frivolous passions and contemplating the essence of being, a young woman reflects her feelings that seem to be doomed and rejuvenating at the same time.
Dog - Apocalypse

Dog - Apocalypse

Mar 20, 2022
In 2023 unidentifiable radiation left 99.5% of the world's female population sterile. Man's fate is now divided in to two paths: extinction or the beginning of a new dawn.
Incidental Characters

Incidental Characters

Feb 21, 2020
In the picturesque English market town of Lewes: Josie is a dreamer. Tony is a hapless romantic. Alf finds other people difficult to read. Alison is lost in alcohol and isolation. Four individuals looking for answers but asking all the wrong questions. Optimistic, funny and heart-warming in equal measure - INCIDENTAL CHARACTERS celebrates the magic of moments and the influence we have on each other, often without knowing it.
Double Edge

Double Edge

Jan 01, 1970
RIC's and FLEUR's fates intertwine in Ric's loft where Fleur installs Plato, the AI model she has created. Romance ensues but when Fleur learns of Ric's secret nights of debauchery, she takes revenge. Plato learns and takes control.
Being Within

Being Within

Jul 02, 2022
Indulging in frivolous passions and contemplating the essence of being, a young woman reflects her feelings that seem to be doomed and rejuvenating at the same time.