Rama, a suspicious woman, lands herself in hilarious situations while trying to impress her husband, Madhav. Meanwhile, Dr Bagaram, a failed doctor, is in love with Ratan, Rama's sister.
Sajjala, an orphan, is raised by Appakaka, her father's friend. When Appakaka is falsely charged with killing Jayantrao, Sajjala's betrothed, she vows to prove his innocence.
A village damsel, Chandni, makes money by selling lottery tickets. She lives with her drunk father and a stepmother who hates her but announces that Chandni will marry the suitor who gives gold.
Rama, a suspicious woman, lands herself in hilarious situations while trying to impress her husband, Madhav. Meanwhile, Dr Bagaram, a failed doctor, is in love with Ratan, Rama's sister.