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Jan 06, 2023
Momo, 24, was recently dumped by Kentaro. Spotting his new girlfriend Riko on Instagram, Momo tracks her down and confronts her, proposing a secret alliance.
Sarya vit entre trois mondes : Ayant fui la Turquie pour le Japon, sa petite famille tente de préserver ses traditions kurdes. En revanche, Sarya, arrivée à l’âge de cinq ans, se sent chez elle au Japon. Mais ensuite, la famille perd son statut de réfugié. La vie devient imprévisible et leurs jours au Japon semblent comptés. Une histoire obsédante sur l’équilibre qu’il faut trouver pour trouver sa place dans le monde.
Fukagawa Seiji is a high school student with silver color hair. He is free-spirited and fond of painting. He tells people exactly what he thinks, but he also has a mysterious side. His classmate is Niwa Akane. Akane is a model student who always wears a face mask. At first, she doesn’t like Seiji, but she is attracted by Seiji's paintings and his blunt personality. They get close with each other, and they both have their own secret they can’t tell anyone. Adapted from the novel "Yoru ga Aketara, Ichiban ni Kimi ni Ai ni Iku" (When the Dawn Breaks, I’ll Be the First to See You)


Aug 23, 2024
On the night before ‘Black Friday,’ which is the one of the busiest commerce days, a cardboard box, that is delivered from the world's largest shopping site, explodes. Soon after, a series of mysterious explosion cases occurs. The entire nation becomes terrorized by the shocking events. Funado Erena has just began to work as the center director for a large distribution warehouse that covers three-quarters of the Kanto area. Erena must gain control over this unprecedented situation with team manager Nashimoto Ko.
Loin de moi, près de toi
Une collégienne se transforme en chat pour attirer l'attention d'un garçon, sans se rendre compte que la frontière entre l'humain et l'animal s'estompe peu à peu.


Mar 30, 2015
Kyougoku Daijirou is the 15th generation owner of the Kyoto sweets shop Amashoudou. One day, Daijirou discovers a giant robot named Doamaiger D in his store's basement. At the same time, enemies called "Mekaijuu" appear in Kyoto and begin wreaking havoc.


Jun 26, 2021
Ryuji Ameno graduated from a medical school out in a province. He is now a doctor-in-training in the surgery department at a hospital in Tokyo. Every day, he is scolded by senior doctors for not being able to do something or know something. Ryuji Ameno feels helpless when he sees patients and their families, because the patients and their families think he is a doctor. Ryuji Ameno feels he is unable to satisfy their expectations. He cries over patients that he is unable to save, but he never loses his strong will and passion to become a doctor. Ryuji Ameno grows into a real doctor with his fellow doctors-in-training.
Kimi wa Pet

Kimi wa Pet

Jun 19, 2017
Sumire Iwaya travaille comme journaliste dans un journal connu. Séduisante et diplômée de prestigieuses universités (Tōdai et Havard), elle traverse une période difficile après avoir été larguée par son petit ami et rétrogradée au boulot. Un jour, elle trouve un beau jeune homme, Takeshi Goda, dans une boîte en carton. Takeshi ressemblant à son ancien animal de compagnie Momo, Sumire propose de laisser Takeshi vivre chez elle seulement en tant qu'animal de compagnie...


Mar 16, 2018
Le laboratoire UDI (Unnatural Death Investigation) est une organisation non gouvernementale dédiée à l'investigation des décès aux causes inexpliquées. L'équipe est composée de la médecin légiste Mikoto Misumi, de l'autopsiste Kai Nakado, du scribe Rokuro Kube, de la technicienne de laboratoire Yuko Shoji et du directeur Yasuo Kamikura. Ensemble, ils enquêtent sur des morts suspectes, cherchant à découvrir la vérité cachée derrière chaque cas. Leur travail les confronte à diverses situations, des crimes déguisés en morts naturelles aux erreurs médicales, en passant par des suicides aux circonstances douteuses. À travers ces enquêtes, ils apportent des réponses aux familles endeuillées et contribuent à faire éclater la vérité.
HUNTER - Sono Onnatachi, Shoukin Kasegi
Rei Isaka travaillait comme hôtesse de l'air, mais en raison de son age, elle est congédiée. Et c'est à ce moment que des collecteurs de dettes font irruption chez elle pour trouver sa soeur. Rei après avoir touché une récompense pour avoir stoppé un voleur à l'aéroport décide de gagner de l'argent de cette manière. Rei forme une équipe de chasseuse de prime avec une hôtesse de l'air junior et une femme au foyer et se met à la recherche de sa sœur pendant qu'elle chasse des primes.
Sou and Aoi of "Aoki (= immature) Vampire" runs a coffee shop that is open only at night. Due to the influence of the new corona, the monthly blood distribution from the Vampire Association headquarters in Romania has stopped. "Vampires can attack humans and become full-fledged," he says, but it's not easy for the two blue vans who have never sucked blood on their own... Can Sou and Aoi survive the corona wreck?
To gain the confidence to confess to his crush, Yashiro visits a secluded shrine for 100 days straight. This earns him the attention of the enshrined deity and his chihuahua, Ukon. They are surprised to see him confess to a guy, Yashiro's longtime friend Kenta, only for Kenta to turn him down. Although heartbroken, Yashiro tries to joke around with Kenta, but he accidentally gets killed when a truck runs into him. Due to God's favoritism, Yashiro was reborn as a female student called Tendo Kagura, and lives a new life. However, she soon discovers that the god and Ukon plan to watch over her relationship with Kenta to see how it unfolds. Adapted from a manga "Kami-sama no Ekohiiki " (神様のえこひいき) by Komura Ayumi (小村あゆみ ).


Dec 18, 2021
Sakiko Ikeda is a newbie in the workforce struggling to keep up with work. In order to reward herself for having worked hard during the week, Sakiko cooks elaborate meals at home or goes to eat at restaurants which are interesting.


Mar 12, 2024
Hotshot Nagase Saichi is Tosaka Real Estate’s top realtor. He lies through his teeth and will stop at nothing to seal a deal. One day, he disturbs a monument located at a construction site. Cursed with the inability to tell a lie, he is forced to run his mouth off with things that are better left unsaid. With so many angry clients, he's got no hope of surviving as an honest realtor.
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.
Kota Shimoda, Nao Nakamura and Norisuke Uehara live within the same apartment complex in a provincial city. They are also good friends. Kota Shimoda works as a public officer. He bluffs that he is good at fighting, but he has never been in a fight before. Nao Nakamura wants to become a Hollywood celebrity. She is a bright and outgoing person. Norisuke Uehara's dream is to become a K-pop artist, but he doesn't make any effort in achieving his dream. They are bored easily and look for stimulation around them.


Dec 20, 2024
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.
Get Ready!

Get Ready!

Mar 12, 2023
This dark medical drama examines the meaning of human life, centring on a team of unidentified black-market doctors who undertake any kind of surgery with superhuman surgical skills and exorbitant medical expenses. Hazama Eisuke, also known as "Ace", is a genius surgeon who works as a patissier during the day. He has an operating room equipped with the latest equipment in the basement of his patisserie, where he performs surgeries on patients who have been abandoned by others. Shimoyamada Jo, also known as "Joker", is a brilliant international lawyer and a negotiator with patients.
Giver Taker

Giver Taker

Feb 19, 2023
Kurasawa Itsuki était auparavant enseignante dans une école primaire. À cette époque, sa fille a été brutalement tuée par un de ses élèves, Kishi Ruoto âgé alors d'à peine douze ans. Depuis, plus de dix années ont passé. Kurasawa est devenue policière et Kishi vient d'être libéré du centre de détention où il a par ailleurs suivi un traitement. Circonspecte quant à la réinsertion du jeune homme, Kurasawa reçoit alors un message de menaces.
Zettai Reido

Zettai Reido

Mar 16, 2020
Lorsqu'une affaire ne peut être élucidée par manque de preuves, témoins, etc., elle est souvent abandonnée et mise au placard. Mais, grâce à une nouvelle branche de la Police Métropolitaine de Tokyo, ces affaires peuvent enfin être résolues ; c'est ici le but du Bureau Spécial des Investigations avec l'aide de la police scientifique. On découvre alors une toute jeune recrue, Izumi Sakuragi qui va découvrir un monde tout à fait différent de ce qu'elle avait connu précédemment... Entre la douleur des familles qui ont perdu un être cher, les témoins qui ne veulent plus parler, et les criminels qui sont toujours en liberté. Notre jeune héroïne réalise que la ré-ouverture d'un dossier plusieurs années plus tard révèle toujours des cicatrices profondes.
Nasuda Ayumi is a young travel nurse who gives a bad first impression. In fact, he had been an excellent nurse practitioner in the US. He has the qualifications to carry out certain medical procedures and assist doctors in surgeries. However, some circumstances trigger his return to Japan where nurse practitioners are relatively unknown and nurses are still expected to do what doctors order. Ayumi ends up working at Amano General Medical Centre where he encounters a mysterious, legendary nurse Kuki Shizuka who will become his partner. Shizuka cleans “quietly” just like his name suggests and gets mistaken for a cleaner by the hospital staff including Ayumi. But he is actually a super nurse with boggling skills.
Koiwa Minako manages a small bakery that has been in her family for generations, but struggles doing it all on her own. Kita Kaoru, who is 6 years younger than Minako, begins working at the bakery part time. He used to be a chef at a Michelin star restaurant, but doesn't speak about his past. Despite his secrets, Kaoru becomes an indispensable presence in Minako's bakery and life.
Kyougoku Daijirou is the 15th generation owner of the Kyoto sweets shop Amashoudou. One day, Daijirou discovers a giant robot named Doamaiger D in his store's basement. At the same time, enemies called "Mekaijuu" appear in Kyoto and begin wreaking havoc.