Suzanne Stanley

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La roche aux mouettes

La roche aux mouettes

Jun 09, 1933
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of little Bretons to the high seas and the children would all be drowned if their fathers had not arrived in time.
Le simoun

Le simoun

Dec 22, 1933
Abandoned by his wife for twenty years, a colonist brings his daughter whom he has never seen and falls in love with her.
Les Maîtres-nageurs

Les Maîtres-nageurs

Jan 19, 1951
Un industriel marié entretient trois maîtresses. Sur les indications de sa femme, le contrôleur fiscal s'empare du petit carnet où il consigne ses tractations illégales. Après une explication conjugale orageuse, l'industriel décide de réduire ses frais en se débarrassant de ses maîtresses et manifeste l'intention de revenir à la légalité. Mais il se rend compte que tout le monde, même sa femme, préfère l'ancienne situation - fraude et maîtresses - grâce à laquelle chacun trouvait son petit profit.
Le Sergent X

Le Sergent X

Mar 25, 1932
A military wife remarries after she thinks her Russian husband has died in battle, and when he returns alive he enlists in the Foreign Legion rather than disrupt her new happiness.