Francis Lorenzo

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Jul 01, 1991
Merlin, shot on 35mm, is an adaptation of Cocteau's play "Knights of the Round Table."
Le Royaume de sang

Le Royaume de sang

Apr 20, 2011
Une mystérieuse confrérie d'hommes politiques va signer un contrat mirobolant pour la construction d'une centrale nucléaire. Les riverains menacés restent impuissants face à l'hégémonie de cette organisation. Mais un justicier veille sur la cité Violent et sans pitié, il ne laisse sur les corps de ses victimes qu'une simple carte signée RED EAGLE...
El ángel de Budapest

El ángel de Budapest

Dec 22, 2011
El ángel de Budapest (Angel of Budapest) is a Spanish 2011 television World War II-Holocaust miniseries based on the book "Un español frente al Holocausto" (A Spanish against the Holocaust) written by journalist and radio executive director Diego Carcedo. The plot focuses on Ángel Sanz Briz, a Spanish ambassador in Hungary during World War II who helped to save the lives of thousands of jews from the Holocaust by lodging them in Spanish safe houses in Budapest.
El detective y la muerte
In a European city agitated by racial unrest, a powerful tycoon must face the only thing he cannot deceive or corrupt: death. Meanwhile, a detective tries to find the woman he loves, and, at the same time, an innocent young woman follows him with the crazy purpose of bringing her son, who has been killed in the crib by a gunman, back to life.
Gran Slalom

Gran Slalom

Feb 23, 1996
A young officer of the Guardia Civil moves to a ski resort in the Pyrenees traveling on official business. On the way his car has a breakdown and he is picked up by a woman who is staying at the hotel. From this situation several adventures and tangles happen. Things get complicated as he must dress as a woman to avoid being surprised.
El año del diluvio

El año del diluvio

Apr 28, 2004
In a particularly hot summer, Sister Consuelo, superior of an order dedicated to caring for the sick, decided to transform the dilapidated hospital into a modern nursing.
El florido pensil

El florido pensil

Mar 22, 2002
"El Florido Pensil" is a humorous reflection of the education of several generations of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s. Based on the book of the same name by Andrés Sopeña, it evokes, from the present, his memories of that time: everyday school, local radio, Roberto Alcázar's comics, Thursday cinema with Franco opening swamps and "Yon Güein" chasing and killing Indians. Through the childish eyes of a child Sopeña (Daniel Rubio) and his schoolmates, we discover a way of understanding the world, society and a Spain "of glories and flowery pensil", as the national anthem of those years used to sing.
La pasión turca

La pasión turca

Nov 18, 1994
A young woman’s passion forms the basis of this erotic Spanish drama adapted from a popular novel by Antonio Gala. The night before Desideria’s marriage, her girl friends give her some valuable advice on sex. The marriage takes place, and while it is generally happy, her husband Ramiro suffers from sexual dysfunction and Desideria is frustrated. The two end up on holiday in Istanbul with two friends. Desideria falls madly in love with the sensual ambiance of the ancient, teeming city. She begins a passionate affair with a handsome Turkish guide, Yaman. Upon her return home, she learns that she is pregnant. Ramiro agrees to support the child, but unfortunately it dies in infancy and the grieving Desideria flees for Istanbul to find her lover. She finds him and they renew their torrid affair. Later she learns some distressing things about Yaman, but this does not stop her from becoming his sexual slave and a call girl for wealthy carpet sellers.
Personne Ne Parlera De Nous Quand Nous Serons Mortes
Lorsque son mari torero tombe dans le coma, la vie de Gloria bascule. Elle sombre dans l'alcoolisme et quitte Madrid dans l'espoir de faire fortune au Mexique. Devenue prostituée, elle assiste à un règlement de comptes entre policiers et mafieux mexicains. Vivante, elle rentre en Espagne avec un précieux carnet d'adresses qui devrait lui permettre de repartir à zéro. Mais, un tueur est à ses trousses.
Tirano Banderas

Tirano Banderas

Nov 19, 1993
In Santa Fe de Tierra Firme, an imaginary Latin American country, the indigenous dictator Santos Banderas rules with an iron fist. A group of rebels trying to seize power by force while some liberals try a change of government legally.
Tiovivo c. 1950

Tiovivo c. 1950

Sep 16, 2004
This movie doesn't have any coherent plot. It's the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how they manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: La colmena or Roma (Fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
El rey del río

El rey del río

Feb 24, 1995
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
Tocando fondo

Tocando fondo

Aug 26, 1993
Andres de Granada, a forty-benefit trade more clear, believed that the first months of 1993 are the best time to do business. It also has the help of his nephew Fulgencio, who has arrived in Madrid with the idea of ​​learning the trade.
Las cosas del querer

Las cosas del querer

Sep 19, 1989
In 1940's Madrid. Juan plays piano for Pepita and her on-stage partner Mario. Although Mario really wants to steal Juan for himself, Juan is not interested and Mario resorts to a string of lovers as consolation. When he loves (and leaves) a young nobleman, the young man wants revenge.
El seductor

El seductor

Mar 17, 1995
Cosme, a 15-year-old boy, sets his sights and his libido on his new neighbor, Merche. After giving her a lift on his moped, and getting a glimpse of her underwear, he begins to look for excuses to wander next door. He manufactures illnesses to stay home from school and uses his free time to ogle her while she sunbathes outside. His efforts to sustain a relationship that leads to the bedroom are hampered by his amusing family, sabotaged by the maid, and jealously noted by his high school girlfriend.
L'aigle rouge

L'aigle rouge

Oct 27, 2016
L'action se déroule durant le Siècle d'or espagnol (le XVIIème siècle), période de rayonnement culturel de l'Espagne, marqué par une grande vitalité littéraire et artistique, mais également une importante instabilité politique.Cette série d'aventure suit Gonzalo de Montalvo, un homme voulant venger la mort de sa jeune épouse. Un peu malgré lui, il devient un véritable héros justicier, surnommé Aguila Roja (et joué par David Janer). Il va tenter de venir en aide aux plus démunis et au passage déjouer des complots politiques.
Action & Adventure
El Inmortal

El Inmortal

Mar 21, 2024
Dans les années 90, un gang qui contrôle le trafic de cocaïne et le milieu de la nuit madrilène, fait couler beaucoup d'encre : "Les Miami". Son nom effraye chaque personne qui l'entend.
Médico de familia

Médico de familia

Dec 21, 1999
A young widowed doctor tries to rebuild his life and take care of his three children and his teenage nephew. In the house also live his father and the cleaning lady, which marks the rhythm of the day to day life of this family. His sister-in-law, who also plays an important role, will end up marrying him. The series also tells the stories of their colleagues at the health center.
La caza

La caza

Apr 20, 2023
Le cas non résolu de deux filles disparues de la ville pyrénéenne de Monteperdido il y a cinq ans est rouvert lorsque l'une d'elles réapparaît.
MasterChef Celebrity

MasterChef Celebrity

Nov 30, 2023
Spanish version of the reality cooking competition in which celebrities compete to win the coveted cookery competition title.


Feb 26, 2023
L'intrigue suit la relation toxique entre le dompteur de cirque Ángel Cristo et l'actrice et icône Bárbara Rey, qui était très populaire pendant la Transition et qui a été embourbée dans les coulisses par des cas de consommation de drogue, d'infidélité, de violence domestique, tout en ayant une liaison avec "un homme d'État puissant".
Land Rober Tunai Show

Land Rober Tunai Show

Jun 15, 2023
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio.
Série rose

Série rose

Jul 06, 1991
« Dans le secret des bibliothèques, derrière les reliures sévères et précieuses, se cachent bien des mystères. Les plus doux de ces mystères nous viennent des grands écrivains eux-mêmes. Loin, bien loin de leurs œuvres officiellement reconnues, nombre d'auteurs célèbres, sous leur nom ou un pseudonyme, se divertissent à écrire des récits où les jeux de l'amour et de la beauté s'épanouirent. Ces récits, la Série rose est allée les découvrir pour vous, public sensible et averti. Nous allons pour vous tourner les pages de ces livres secrets dont les années n'ont pas effacé le parfum. La Série rose s'ouvre à vous... »