A British comedy in Japanese clothes, with central character Ginji at once earnest farm boy and entrepreneurial savant, finding ingenious and entertaining solutions in a timeless tale of business and found family.
Une comédie musicale effervescente sur l'un des couples les plus improbables vus à l'écran : deux Otaku déterminés à cacher leur nerd à leurs collègues !
When memories of Ultra Heroes are erased by a mysterious entity, a device called Dimensionizer is sent from the future dimension Ultraman Decker is from. Trying to get memories of the Land of Light residents back, New Generation Heroes remember all their battles and hardships they've gone through.
Dans une course contre la montre, des célébrités tentent désespérément de déjouer les chasseurs vêtus de noir qui les poursuivent, pour avoir une chance de remporter un prix en espèces de plus en plus élevé.
The newest Ultra Hero is Ultraman Zett, the disciple of Ultraman Zero, who is now celebrating his tenth anniversary! An admirer of Zero, Zett worked hard to become a member of the “Inter Galactic Defense Force.” With a passion inherited from his teacher Zero, Zett is an Ultraman who always looks forward and forges ahead.
Whoever plays the video with Video Girl Mai, becomes Mai's master. To grant her master's wishes, Video Girl Mai carries her orders using her femme fatale charm. She fascinates people and trifles with them, but what is her real purpose?
Three high school girls are chosen among 700,000 applicants to be on the reality show “Marry the Prince”. They must find their true love in the four princes they encounter.