Bjørn has gone with his mum on a summerhouse trip. He’s a teenager and is finding life a little challenging in all aspects. When a group of 20 somethings occupy the neighbouring house, an unforgettable summer starts for Bjørn in this intimate coming of age drama, which hones in on issues of gender, intimacy and boundaries.
While preparing for her first, big piano concert, Laura gets diagnosed with a serious inner ear disorder, that inhibits her ability to play properly. At home, things are falling apart, when Laura and her mom get into a big fight.
Danemark, 9 avril 1940. Un industriel danois, coopère et profite de l'occupation allemande du Danemark. Alors que sa famille se retrouve de l'autre côté du spectre politique.
In 2020, convicted murderer Peter Madsen escapes from Herstedvester Prison in Albertslund. This documentary takes you through what happened, and how it was possible for Peter Madsen to escape one of the most secured prisons in Denmark.
Lorsque le père de Tinka décède accidentellement, la jeune elfe perd le droit d'accès au trône. Un jeu est organisé afin de désigner un régent. Les quatre régions du royaume présentent chacune un candidat. Tinka peut compter sur l'aide de Lasse, son ami humain, pour remporter ce qui lui revient de droit.