Pina Gallini

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4 pas dans les nuages

4 pas dans les nuages

Dec 24, 1942
Un commis voyageur marié rencontre dans un autocar une fille enceinte qui n'ose pas rentrer chez son père, un paysan. Il accepte de passer pour son fiancé afin d'obtenir le pardon de celle-ci et son droit à une maternité consentie.
Manon Lescaut

Manon Lescaut

Feb 02, 1940
Manon escapes with the young nobleman Des Grieux, then becomes a high-class courtesan and finally forced to exile to America.
L'imperatore di Capri

L'imperatore di Capri

Dec 16, 1949
Beautiful gold-digger Sonia mistakes Antonio, a waiter in a Neapolitan hotel, for Arab Prince Bey of Agapur and makes an appointment with him for the following day in Capri, and Antonio goes there behind the backs of his wife and mother-in-law. A lucky series of circumstances actually does transform him into the prince of the island.
Eugenia Grandet

Eugenia Grandet

Sep 10, 1946
Eugenia is a daughter of a wealthy but miserly man living a simple life in the provincial town of Saumur. Eugenia's inexperience leads her to fall in love with an unworthy man.
Ginevra degli Almieri

Ginevra degli Almieri

Dec 01, 1935
Ginevra degli Almieri's family has arranged a marriage of interest but the young Ginevra strenuously refuses until she falls into catalepsy and is buried alive. Once she wakes up she goes home but her family believes they are dealing with a ghost and they try to chase her away. She will only be welcomed by the penniless young painter who has always been in love with her.
Ginevra degli Almieri

Ginevra degli Almieri

Dec 01, 1935
Ginevra degli Almieri's family has arranged a marriage of interest but the young Ginevra strenuously refuses until she falls into catalepsy and is buried alive. Once she wakes up she goes home but her family believes they are dealing with a ghost and they try to chase her away. She will only be welcomed by the penniless young painter who has always been in love with her.
Sangue sul sagrato

Sangue sul sagrato

Dec 13, 1952
Artist Pietro Leoni is preoccupied with feminine beauty. While walking near an old castle in Italy, he sees a young woman dive in the water from a rock and becomes determined to sculpt her from memory. He rents a house near the spot and falls in love with the mentally disturbed daughter, Francesca, of the castle's owner, W. C. Hutton, while becoming involved with her sister, Marisa unaware of her identity.
Passaporto rosso

Passaporto rosso

Nov 13, 1935
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.
Noi siamo le colonne

Noi siamo le colonne

Dec 29, 1956
The adventures of three university students who live in the same boarding house. Ugo, the most serious one, is in love with Lea, daughter of the lodger. Aldo is a practical joker, Bartolozzi is the shiest. Ugo and Lea's love story becomes stormy because of Aldo.
Il mio amico Jekyll

Il mio amico Jekyll

Aug 11, 1960
Professor Fabius has found a way of transferring his personality to another person and he transfers his to the body of Giacinto Floria, a nice teacher in a women's college. Poor Giacinto becomes a sex maniac to the puzzlement of his girlfriend Mafalda.
Animali pazzi

Animali pazzi

Apr 01, 1939
After several unsuccessful suicide attempts, Totò finds himself in an animal asylum.
Gente felice

Gente felice

Mar 08, 1957
Tanino, who lives in a village without a cemetery, goes to a deputy to obtain the land necessary for the cemetery.
Dopo divorzieremo

Dopo divorzieremo

Sep 21, 1940
Grace Peterson works in department stores "Tutto per Tutti", along with many other young people. His employment contract entitling them to live in a boarding house built specifically for them by the company but on the other hand, forbid them not fall in love or marry under threat of dismissal. Still, Grace falls for Phil Golder, a violinist penniless. The director of the residence will notice and the best friend of the girl impersonate violinist girlfriend to try to save Grace dismissal.
Jours d'amour

Jours d'amour

Nov 19, 1954
Angela et Pasquale ont grandi ensemble dans une petite ville d’Italie et sont tombés amoureux. Ils aimeraient pouvoir se marier mais leurs familles respectives, de modestes paysans, n’ont pas assez d’argent pour organiser la noce. Face au désarroi de leurs enfants, ils trouvent bientôt un stratagème qui devrait leur éviter trop de dépenses inutiles : Pasquale va " enlever " Angela et rester seul avec elle pendant quelques jours. À leur retour, il ne restera plus qu’à les marier sans cérémonie officielle, donc sans frais...
Sinfonia fatale

Sinfonia fatale

May 01, 1947
An American composer moves to Italy and falls for a local country girl right before the start of World War II.
L'inafferrabile 12

L'inafferrabile 12

Sep 02, 1950
Two twin brothers grew up and never met (due to the fact that the father with the couple would have had 13 children and therefore for superstition he closed one in an orphanage), the one goalkeeper of Juventus and the other employee at the state lottery.
La carne e l'anima

La carne e l'anima

Jan 11, 1945
This melodrama was directed by an émigré Russian from a story by Corrado Alvaro and Emanuele Caracciolo. The latter was murdered by the Nazis in the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, before the film’s post-war release. Featuring Miranda and Girotti prior to neo-realist stardom.
Le Confident de ces dames
Vétérinaire à Figarolo, Giuliano Goberti donne aussi quelques soins aux habitants du village depuis la mort du docteur Lofal.Mais l'arrivée d'une pulpeuse remplaçante du médecin vacant va précipiter les événements. Alors qu'elle prescrit force médicaments, Giuliano ordonne de bons repas et de la culture physique à la comtesse alitée. Devant les excellents résultats obtenus, un journaliste romain se fait l'écho de ce miracle. Bientôt la calme petite cité italienne est envahie par une foule bigarrée de malades imaginaires qui doivent se munir d'un animal pour éviter au vétérinaire des ennuis pour exercice illégal de la médecine. Finalement, le brave Giuliano épousera la ravissante doctoresse se guérissant ainsi réciproquement de leur célibat.
Un Américain à Rome

Un Américain à Rome

Dec 10, 1954
Nando Moriconi est un italien obsédé par l’Amérique, au point de se faire passer pour un natif de Kansas City. Son ambition lui causera de nombreux déboires.
Totò et les femmes

Totò et les femmes

Dec 20, 1952
Antonio Scapparo ne supporte plus sa femme et se réfugie dans le grenier pour lire des romans policiers, fumer le cigare, et prier son protecteur, Landru.
Canzoni di mezzo secolo
Les chansons sur lesquelles sont basés les épisodes du film sont: Amour romantique , Ninì Tirabusciò , Sceptique bleu , Corsaire blonde , Yvonne , Ziki-Paki, Ziki-Pu , Lodovico , Biagio adagio , Stramilano , Living , Faccetta nera , Tornerai et Munasterio et Santa Chiara .
L'Albergo Degli Assenti
The young lady-in-waiting of a millionairess is kidnapped, in her stead, by people who had an interest in the disappearance of the rich heiress. The girl is entrusted to a shady figure who has, for years, organized a special "hotel" where - in rigorous segregation - he holds prisoners the people entrusted to him by those who, for reasons of interest, have decreed their disappearance.