Cecil Humphreys

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Les Hauts de Hurlevent
M. Earnshaw a deux enfants : le fils aîné, Hindley, et une fille, Catherine. Un jour, il ramène d'un voyage un enfant abandonné de six ans, Heathcliff, dont l'origine est inconnue, et qu'il traite comme son second fils. Hindley entre rapidement en conflit avec Heathcliff et, lorsqu'à la mort de ses parents il devient le maître de la maison, il traite Heathcliff comme un vulgaire domestique. Catherine devient ravissante, elle est courtisée par un riche héritier, qu'elle épousera au grand dam d'Heathcliff, qui a toujours été amoureux d'elle. Pourtant, Catherine aussi l'aime passionnément depuis toujours...
Reasonable Doubt

Reasonable Doubt

Jan 01, 1936
A lawyer's love for a young girl causes him to defend the man he thinks to be her lover. During the trial the lawyer finds out that the man is his own son.
Le fil du rasoir

Le fil du rasoir

Nov 19, 1946
Isabel Bradley est éprise de Larry Darrell. Son oncle, le raide, riche et cynique Elliott Templeton, désapprouve vivement cette inclination : il juge le jeune homme idéaliste et par conséquent immature. En vérité, la Première Guerre mondiale a bouleversé Larry et profondément remis en cause ce qui fait le sens commun des valeurs de son riche entourage. Exaspérant davantage encore Templeton en refusant la place que lui offre le banquier Maturin, Larry décide, avant d'épouser Isabel, de s'exiler provisoirement à Paris. Il espère que ce voyage et cet éloignement lui permettront de mieux se connaître lui-même. Isabel l'y rejoint mais s'affole soudain quand, lui demandant de l'épouser, Larry lui demande simultanément d'accepter de partager sa pauvreté...
A Woman's Vengeance

A Woman's Vengeance

Mar 02, 1948
A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
La Femme de l'autre

La Femme de l'autre

Oct 31, 1947
Marise Aubert aime son mari, Paul (Robert Mitchum), mais souffre d'un sentiment de culpabilité qu’elle confie au Dr Leclair (Cecil Humphreys), psychiatre. L’annonce de la mort de son mari, tué par les Allemands la bouleverse. Jean Renaud (Richard Hart), un ami de Paul, aide Marise à surmonter sa peine et finit par la séduire. Mais un jour, Paul réapparaît...
The Woman in White

The Woman in White

May 24, 1929
Following a promise she made to her father on his deathbed, Laura Fairlie go to Scotland with Sir Percival Glyde to his mysterious mansion to be married. Once there, many strange and disturbing things happen. She meets a girl who has been a victim of Sir Percival's scheming in order to get her fortune.
Irish Luck

Irish Luck

Dec 07, 1925
Tom Donahue, a New York traffic cop, wins a trip to Europe in a newspaper contest, and he decides to visit relatives in Ireland. Arriving in Dublin, he learns that he is an exact double for Lord Fitzhugh, a young Irish aristocrat with whom he becomes friends. The Earl of Killarney, Fitzhugh's uncle, who is on his deathbed, wishes to see his favorite nephew and wipe out past animosities. Fitzhugh, in the meantime, has disappeared, and his sister, Lady Gwendolyn, persuades Tom to take his place.


Dec 04, 1935
1912. La princesse Aurore, accompagnée de son père le prince Tumène et de sa dame de compagnie, la comtesse Mélusine, arrive au château royal de Mégranie. Le roi, son oncle, veut la marier à son héritier, le grand-duc Rodolphe. Aurore est contrainte d'accepter, mais prévient son futur époux qu'elle ne sera jamais pour lui qu'une camarade. Les noces ont lieu. Six mois plus tard, le roi envoie Rodolphe effectuer une dangereuse mission en Afrique équatoriale. Peu avant son départ, Rodolphe rend visite à sa femme pour savoir s'il peut, un jour, espérer son amour. Aurore, loyale, lui répond par la négative mais lui offre un médaillon avec son portrait. En son absence, elle dirige le duché de Lautenburg, secondée par son beau-frère, le grand-duc Frédéric, avide de pouvoir.
It's a King

It's a King

Dec 23, 1932
'Insurance agent poses as royal double and saves him from anarchists.' (British Film Catalogue)
Dick Turpin

Dick Turpin

Dec 01, 1933
The adventures of the eighteenth century highwayman Dick Turpin and his legendary ride to York.
The Silver Spoon

The Silver Spoon

Jun 04, 1934
“A homeless gentleman confesses to a Lord's murder to protect a woman they both love.” - BFI.


Dec 18, 1936
Tony and his dance partner/wife Gaby headline a Paris musical. Tony becomes the unwilling target for the attentions of performer Yvette. She is later murdered with the dagger used by Tony and his wife in their act, and Gaby is accused of the crime.
Fair Exchange

Fair Exchange

Sep 14, 1936
“Criminologist stages the theft of a picture to thwart his son's ambitions to be a detective.” - BFI.
Unfinished Symphony

Unfinished Symphony

Aug 23, 1934
Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue. English-language version of "Leise flehen meine Lieder."
77 Park Lane

77 Park Lane

Jul 02, 1931
When a 'man about town' takes a young lady back to his house they are both surprised to find that it has been turned into an illegal casino in his absence.
The Old Man

The Old Man

Dec 15, 1931
'Charlady helps unmask man who stabbed lady's blackmailer.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Broken Melody

The Broken Melody

Feb 01, 1929
An exiled Prince living in Paris, begins a dalliance with an opera singer before returning to his wife.


Sep 21, 1936
The hall porter at an Oxbridge College inherits an Earldom and enjoys a series of adventures.
The Swindler

The Swindler

Dec 28, 1919
A man takes the blame for a girl's crooked brother and weds her when her hand is amputated.
The Dying Detective

The Dying Detective

Apr 08, 1921
Sherlock Holmes (Eille Norwood) knows that a man has killed a former partner but he can't prove it unless he finds a dying detective who knows what really happened. Norwood would play Holmes in over thirty films and he's quite good in the role bring an intelligent looking character.
The Sorrows Of Satan

The Sorrows Of Satan

Jan 02, 1917
The Sorrows of Satan is a 1917 British silent fantasy film directed by Alexander Butler and starring Gladys Cooper, Owen Nares and Cecil Humphreys. Made at Isleworth Studios, and based on the novel of the same name, the plot involves a poverty-stricken author so depressed that he agrees to sell his soul to the Devil.