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Mad Mission

Mad Mission

Jan 16, 1982
Sam, alias Gant blanc vole des diamants à la mafia. Langue Chaude et Kody Jack, un inspecteur gaffeur new-yorkais sont chargés de l'enquète. Sam doit faire équipe avec la police afin d'échapper à la mafia.
Mad Mission 3

Mad Mission 3

Jan 25, 1984
Un monte-en-l'air est poursuivi par la mafia pour avoir dérobé une pierre précieuse de grande valeur. Il se retrouve obligé d'aider la police pour se débarrasser des gangsters qui le poursuivent.
Mad Mission 5

Mad Mission 5

Jan 28, 1989
Sam se bat cette fois-ci contre quatre lascars essayant de récupérer une épée ancestrale, dérobée par un gang de voleurs d'objets d'art.
Mad mission 2 - Les robots
Un assassin appelé Filthy Harry est embauché par une silhouette louche et chargé de tuer les héros. Les deux hommes sont encadrés deux fois pour des vols différents par la nouvelle petite amie de King Kong, presque engagés dans un hôpital psychiatrique par leur patron sournois, et contraints de combattre le robot chargé d'armes de Filthy Harry alors qu'ils sont couverts de bombes à retardement.
Mad Mission 4 : Rien ne sert de mourir
Un professeur invente un systeme capable de transformer, par stimulation de l'esprit, n'importe qui en superman. Mais son assistant le trahit...Sam est à la poursuite de gangsters ayant kidnappé un savant fou, découvreur d'un cristal donnant une force surhumaine.fren


Jan 30, 1981
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.


Apr 05, 1990
Une nuit, dans la bibliothèque impériale, un homme s'introduit furtivement et vole un parchemin appelé le volume sacré, écrit sous la Dynastie Ming, qui contiendrait les bases d'un art de combat surnaturel. Peu de temps après, lors d'un contrôle, les troupes d'un imminent officier accompagné par son intendant, Au Yeung, retrouve le coffret du volume sacré vide. Rapidement, les soupçons se tournent vers un ancien officier, le maître Lam Chun Nam. Bien que la demeure du Maître Lam soit encerclée par les soldats de l'eunuque, deux disciples de l'école de la montagne Wah, Ling Wu Chung et Kiddo, parviennent à entrer dans la demeure pour apporter un document et un message de la part de leur maître, Ngok. Mais très vite, le clan de Lam et les deux disciples doivent fuir sous l'oppressante menace de Zhor, allié de l'eunuque.
Li Xiao Long di Sheng yu si
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
La légende de la perle d'or
Wisely, aventurier et écrivain, se rend au Népal pour retrouver son ami disparu Kwan. Une fois chose faite, les deux compères partent à la recherche d'une perle réputée magique, dotée de pouvoirs immenses et extraordinaires, cachée dans un temple bouddhique il y a fort longtemps par un dragon venu d'un autre monde. Ils ne sont pas seuls dans leur quête, car bientôt rejoints par un riche aventurier et sa sœur, Pak et Sue, ainsi que par un étrange être doté de pouvoirs surnaturels. Mais avant d'approcher la légende, c'est avant tout un danger mortel qui les attend.


Aug 15, 1984
To get their parents back together, two clever siblings team up with their grandpa in a series of mischievous antics.
Mr Boo détective privé
Mr. Boo est un pseudo-détective privé maladroit et prétentieux, pensant être l'un des meilleurs enquêteurs du monde alors qu'il ne s'occupe que de pauvres affaires d'adultères avec son agence de détective Mannix et son assistant Puffy (Ricky Hui) qui est sa tête de turc. Très radin, il s'efforce de résoudre des affaires dont aucune autre agence ne veut en dépensant le moins possible.
Games Gamblers Play

Games Gamblers Play

Oct 16, 1974
Emprisonné pour escroquerie, Teng est un joueur professionnel qui utilise ses dons pour plumer ses codétenus. Son chemin croise celui de Liu, un autre prisonnier obsédé par le jeu. Une fois leur peine purgée, le duo décide de s'associer pour participer à un jeu télévisé où le premier prix est une importante somme d'argent.
Front Page

Front Page

Aug 24, 1990
Hui ( Michael Hui ) est le rédacteur en chef de "Truth Weekly" , basé sur le contenu intellectuel, entraînant des ventes faibles. Pour cette raison, la société de revues est sur le point de se fermer. L'instructeur d'arts martiaux Mad Bill ( Samuel Hui ) a été récemment renvoyé à son poste et demande un poste à la société de magazines. Bill propose à Hui qu'ils couvrent le magazine pour couvrir les nouvelles de divertissement, en particulier les scandales impliquant des célébrités féminines. Hui accepte cette idée, et les deux et l'employé Fly ( Ricky Hui ) fabriqueront des potins pour soutenir un titre pour le prochain numéro.
Ultime Message

Ultime Message

Aug 21, 1975
Un infirmier et un homme à tout faire travaillent dans un hôpital psychiatrique où ils plument tout les patients s'y trouvant. Quand l'un d'entre eux possède un secret qu'il révèle avant de mourir, les deux complices pensent immédiatement à un gros pactole. Ils se mettent alors à draguer la fille du défunt afin d'obtenir les informations mais sans succès. Ils se mettent alors en tête d'entrer en contact spirituel avec le père décédé pour lui soutirer ses derniers secrets...
The Dragon from Russia
Deux orphelins, Yao et May, se sont jurés d'être amis pour la vie jusqu'au jour où Yao se fait enlever. Après diverses expérimentations scientifiques, Yao, devenu amnésique, se réveille face à un mystérieux maître des arts martiaux qui l'entraînera à devenir un tueur redoutable.
Working Class

Working Class

Aug 09, 1985
Un jeune homme, amateur de football et de jolies filles, perd son emploi. Il finit par retrouver un travail dans une usine alimentaire et tombe amoureux d'une charmante jeune fille dont le père n'est d'autre que son patron (qu'il ne connaît pas). Apprenant qu'il n'aime pas les riches, la jeune fille fait tout pour lui cacher son origine...


Sep 15, 2022
Three short films about the hidden horrors that lurk behind the urban landscape of Hong Kong.
Mr Boo fait de la télévision
Chi-man (Michael Hui), homme à tout faire et acteur raté, est un employé de la chaîne Mouse TV (MTV) qui ne se voit proposer que des tâches de second plan comme de la figuration très loin derrière les vedettes. Il rencontre alors un représentant de la chaîne concurrente Cat TV (CTV) qui lui propose un contrat très intéressant de cinq ans pour le débaucher. Cependant, son contrat de huit ans avec MTV n'est pas encore arrivé à terme et le nouveau directeur de la chaîne (l'ancien s'est fait désavoué par le conseil d’administration qui l'a jeté par la fenêtre par la même occasion) n'a pas l'intention de le laisser partir. Chi-man, avec l'aide de son frère magicien, Sai-kit (Sam Hui), et de son autre frère inventeur pseudo-scientifique, Chi-ying (Ricky Hui), va élaborer d’improbables stratagèmes pour récupérer son contrat.
Ever the pair of do-gooding drifters, Embroidered Pillow and Chili Boy always come to the aid of Hong Kong's downtrodden and oppressed - even if it means traveling all the way to America! This time the two friends are off to San Francisco's Chinatown in search of a millionaire's missing daughter (Sylvia Chang, who also appears in Slaughter in San Francisco), who has vanished under shady circumstances. Typical Backalley Princess shtick ensues, including the duo's disastrous stint waiting tables in a Chinese restaurant and run-ins with the local street gangs. But just when things are looking hopeless, Sam and Polly find the lead they need, and the chase is on!


Jan 20, 1993
Chow Tung is a licentious man who was arranged to get married along with his ugly sister Gut to partners not of their choice. Chow, being a filial son, agrees to go along with his mother's plans. The plot thickens when Chow meets the beautiful Snow White and decides to marry her of which Matriarch Chow agrees whole-heartedly.


Jul 18, 1974
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.


Feb 17, 1973
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.


Dec 21, 1973
Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.


Jun 30, 1993
Tiger fighter Wu Sung was originally a coward. But when he was drunk, he was extremely courageous. One time at Jingyang Gang, Wu Sung got drunk and killed a tiger. His fearless fight impressed Sung Jiang and Lao Zhishen. Wu Sang's brother Wu Dalang seemed to be an enmity with Pan Jinlian, but in fact they were a pair of swindler. Pan used her beauty to seduce men into bed and then Wu Dalangn would come in and blackmail the victim, asking for huge sum of money. They were very successful.......
The Banquet

The Banquet

Nov 30, 1991
Un fils indigne essaie de se servir de son père pour gagner de l'argent.


Jan 29, 2000
Winner Takes All is a Hong Kong comedy starring Karl Maka and Ricky and Samuel Hui


Jan 30, 1981
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
La légende de la perle d'or
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Mad Mission 5

Mad Mission 5

Jan 28, 1989
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
From Riches to Rags

From Riches to Rags

Jul 10, 1980
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
The Dragon from Russia
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Mr Boo détective privé
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Chan Is Missing

Chan Is Missing

Apr 24, 1982
Two cabbies search San Francisco's Chinatown for a mysterious character who has disappeared with their $4000. Their quest leads them on a humorous, if mundane, journey which illuminates the many problems experienced by Chinese-Americans trying to assimilate into contemporary American society.


Sep 08, 2012
Two cabbies search San Francisco's Chinatown for a mysterious character who has disappeared with their $4000. Their quest leads them on a humorous, if mundane, journey which illuminates the many problems experienced by Chinese-Americans trying to assimilate into contemporary American society.
賭俠 1999

賭俠 1999

Dec 18, 1998
A man kills an assassin by accident and when he gets out of prison, the victim's brother attempts to avenge his death.
賭俠 1999

賭俠 1999

Dec 18, 1998
A man kills an assassin by accident and when he gets out of prison, the victim's brother attempts to avenge his death.
Mad Mission 5

Mad Mission 5

Jan 28, 1989
A man kills an assassin by accident and when he gets out of prison, the victim's brother attempts to avenge his death.
Games Gamblers Play

Games Gamblers Play

Oct 16, 1974
A man kills an assassin by accident and when he gets out of prison, the victim's brother attempts to avenge his death.


Jan 15, 2004
In Hong Kong 1969, private investigation agency boss Man is investigating an extra marital case. With his two employees, the smart looking idiot Kit and the Hong Kong Columbia Radio Night School graduate Pufferfish, he follows the target Lascar Row. The trio stumbles into an antique shop and breaks many antiques in the store. The cheap Man force Kit and Pufferfish to take responsibility. Kit wisely makes Pufferfish take sole responsibility. The dumb Pufferfish helpless buys the pile of shattered antiques with his own money. In the pieces he finds a broken magic lamp...


Jan 16, 1997
From a conservative family background, Law Ka Sing hides his homosexual identity in an attempt to conform. Sunny, Sing's boyfriend for eight years is just the opposite, and lives his life out of the closet. Although he deeply loves Sing, he is unwilling to part with the colorful night life, which is in extreme contrast with Sing. Sing's father is also constantly rushing him to marry, and Sing's "girlfriend" Chuen is returning to Hong Kong from Canada and requesting for him to choose between his real or fake lover.


Jul 04, 1996
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
Tout sur Ah Long

Tout sur Ah Long

Mar 16, 1989
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
The Return of Pom Pom

The Return of Pom Pom

Jun 22, 1984
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
The Perfect Wife?!

The Perfect Wife?!

Aug 05, 1983
The Perfect Wife?! is a 1983 Hong Kong romantic comedy film directed Dean Shek and starring Shek, Eric Tsang and Linda Lau.


Jul 02, 1987
Treasury employee Fatty (Eric Tsang) discovered that bags of used 30 million in Hong Kong Dollars have not been incinerated due to a system error; therefore, he hatches up a plot to grab the doe before they are burned. He seeks his friends Mark (Mark Cheng) and Tomboy (Anglie Leung) to help him with the heist; but, they also enlist actual thief Baldy (Karl Maka), who had just been released from prison, to double the assistance with his thievery skills. But, Baldy wants the money for his own and to share it with love interest Siu-Fung (Paula Tsui). Hot on their trail is a hothead inspector (Ching Wong) and a nun, Sister Maria (Brigitte Lin), who wants to save them for redemption.


Jan 30, 1981
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.


Jan 30, 1981
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Mr Boo fait de la télévision
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Ultime Message

Ultime Message

Aug 21, 1975
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
永遠寵愛 張國榮
TV programme commemorates the 20th anniversary of Leslie Cheung's passing on April 1, 2023. The show features his iconic works and performances in different genres, such as his collaboration with Anita Mui in a legendary duet. The programme includes interviews with renowned figures in the music and film industries, who share their memories and experiences with Cheung. Cheung's professionalism and unique charisma continue to resonate with audiences today, and this programme acts as a tribute to the legendary singer and actor.


Oct 06, 1972
The Hui Brothers Show is a Hong Kong sketch comedy television series produced by TVB and hosted by and starring brothers Michael Hui and Samuel Hui that ran for 52 episodes from 1971 to 1973.