Stimulated by the studies of a French ethnologist, his Argentine colleague, Hermes, travels through his country, Angola and Ethiopia to determine with the help of the young Angolan Oko, Ayelen and the Egyptologist Esteban if humanity is the creation of extraterrestrial amphibian beings.
A man arrives with the obsession to recover his wife in the arid landscape of the Andes range. A pasional drama filled with violence is triggered when he discovers that she no longer expects him.
The story of Francisco, a young psychics teacher who starts consuming drugs, his mother, a well known congresswoman and Nina, the woman who will try to save him from a horrible future.
Après avoir constamment voyagé à cause du travail de ses parents, Sofía, 16 ans, veut de la stabilité, aller à l'école et avoir des amis. Lorsque la famille emménage à Río Vivo, une petite ville de montagne, elle obtient enfin ce qu'elle veut, jusqu'à ce qu'un étrange pouvoir lié à l'eau menace la vie d'adolescente normale pour laquelle elle a travaillé si dur.