Ce documentaire qui navigue entre réalité et fiction se penche sur la corruption qui gangrène la police mexicaine grâce aux témoignages de deux agents.
A poetic, tender road movie, A Secret World follows tormented teenager Maria as she makes her way through Mexico seeking her place in life. The film focuses on the pleasant beauty of the landscape and the eccentric, endearing personality of Maria as she comes into her own. Gorgeously filmed, this lyrical coming-of-age story doubles as a wistful hymn to a young woman’s self-discovery.
At 75 years old, Ricardo has problems balancing his job as a janitor at an elementary school and the care his wife requires in a wheelchair. Since it is impossible for him to survive on the pension he would receive, he must continue working and the conflict with a student will end up causing him to lose everything.
Emmanuel receives the news that his father won't be able to pick him up after school, so he must return to the taxi that his mother requested. However, not realizing it, he gets into the wrong car, which leads him to put his life in danger. He manages to escape from the fake driver and when he gets home he reflects on his own life and his faith in religion.
Dans un village de montagne mexicain, trois petites filles font des maisons abandonnées par les fuyards leur terrain de jeu. Elles se déguisent en femmes à l’abri des regards et trouvent refuge dans des cachettes pour échapper à ceux qui pourraient les enlever. Mais les sombres échos de la violence deviennent une menace inéluctable.