5.7 Human Capital Jul 17, 2020 Human Capital 2020 95 min 106 vues Les vies de deux familles vont s'entrechoquer quand leurs enfants commencent une romance qui mène à un terrible accident. Crime
4.2 Hitler's Folly Jun 01, 2016 Hitler's Folly 2016 67 min 8 vues "Hitler's Folly" explores what might have happened if Adolf Hitler's art career had been more successful and instead of becoming an evil dictator, he was inspired to become an animator like Walt Disney. Comedy
7.6 The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel Jun 22, 1956 The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel 1956 min 5 vues The second collection of short stories written by Baroness Orczy about the gallant English hero, the Scarlet Pimpernel and his League. Drama