A modern romantic comedy about 3 Malibu best friends, roommates and bandmates discovering their dreams and discovering love with a crazy plot to make some cash on the way.
After testing his sobriety at a bachelor party on the Vegas strip, Gavin, a recovered drug addict and former TV star, returns to he and his childhood friends' hotel room. Gavin finds that his unresolved past with his friends and his "savior" girlfriend present much more of threat to his sobriety than the strip did. As the night escalates, Gavin and his friends are forced to face their demons within the walls of the hotel room…with or without each other's help.
Les agents spéciaux de la branche new-yorkaise du FBI usent de tous leurs talents et leur expertise pour assurer la protection de la ville et du pays. Les membres de cette unité d'élite combattent aussi bien le terrorisme, le crime organisé que le contre-espionnage.