Fiodor Stoukov

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La Parentèle

La Parentèle

Dec 06, 1981
L'histoire suit Maria Konovalova qui voyage de son village rural pour rendre visite à sa fille Nina en ville. L'arrivée de Maria expose les contrastes frappants entre les modes de vie ruraux et urbains et révèle des tensions familiales profondément enracinées. Il est intéressant de noter que Родня (Rodnya) en russe sonne très similaire au mot Родина (Rodina), qui signifie "Patrie". Le film présente trois générations de femmes — Maria, sa fille Nina et sa petite-fille Irina — symbolisant trois Russies différentes : une du passé, une moderne et une représentant l'avenir.
Остров сокровищ
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Бег по солнечной стороне
Sasha is 16 years old, but he has already seen a lot: he worked in a canteen, a boiler room, swept the streets, and now he delivers correspondence and pensions to the elderly. He has a wonderful opportunity to communicate with different people, be an ignorant witness and sometimes take part in family dramas. This is how he meets his first love: it's complicated but he's happy...


Apr 01, 1984
In a small coastal town,in the middle of the summer,the beaches are overcrowded,every piece of land occupied by tents and the cars of the tourists.A small group of filmmakers decide to shoot here a "masterpiece" by putting on a fake bank a ship.Suddenly,the crowd spreads the rumor that a comet will fall to the Earth very soon.At the last moment the most savvy vacationers decide to save themselves from a certain death by making some last minute unexpected changes in the script...
Science Fiction
Царевич Алексей
Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei tried with all his might to remain out of power and wished for ordinary human happiness.
Quelques jours de la vie d'Oblomov
Propriétaire terrien installé à Saint-Pétersbourg, Oblomov passe ses journées dans son canapé, vêtu de sa robe de chambre, habité par une paresse proche de la léthargie. Tandis qu'il vient d'apprendre de son serviteur Zakhar qu'il doit libérer sous huit jours son logement et que ses revenus vont diminuer, il rêve d'Oblomovka, le village de son enfance.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Nov 28, 2013
L'action se déroule dans l'Angleterre victorienne du dernier quart du XIXe siècle. Sherlock Holmes, détective amateur de 27 ans, devient témoin d'un crime avec le Dr John Watson, un médecin militaire qui vient de rentrer de la guerre en Afghanistan. Au cours de l'enquête, Watson, n'ayant pas encore d'appartement à Londres, s'installe avec Holmes dans la "demi-pension" de Mme Hudson, puis prend part aux affaires de son nouvel ami. Watson donne des cours de boxe à Holmes. Watson lui-même est un boxeur expérimenté, capable de faire face à plusieurs adversaires à mains nues. De plus, c'est un excellent tireur d'élite. Considérant Holmes comme un génie, le médecin décide de raconter au monde entier son talent et les mystères qu'il a révélés dans ses histoires, où il embellit souvent les événements ("l'histoire vraie" dont la série présente). Watson apprend à embellir les événements par le rédacteur en chef du Morning Chronicle.


Jan 23, 2019
The children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash" is a one-of-a-kind work of cinematography that ironically approaches the solution of everyday problems, focusing on the views and needs of modern society, allowing different generations to achieve mutual understanding.


Nov 01, 2017
Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.


Jul 29, 2011
How I Met Your Mother, the Russian comedy series produced by the company Good Story Media, which is an adaptation of the eponymous American television series How I Met Your Mother. The main character of the series, Dima Nosov, in the distant 2034, tells his teenage children about his own youth, as well as the life stories of his friends. Dima describes the circumstances in which he met his future wife. At the same time, he dwells on various events that took place in his life at that time with him and his friends: Pasha Vinogradov, Lucy Lyubimova, Yury Sadovskiy, and Katya Krivchik. The main action of the series takes place in Moscow today (in 1st season - in 2008–2009).


Apr 27, 2017
This is a story about three friends who find themselves in the maiden kingdom - in the philological faculty. The protagonist, Misha Solomonov, is naive, romantic and responsive, he writes poetry, does not know how to say no, and is hopelessly in love with classmate Lena. His best friends are the gloomy botanist Roma Babin, who is not interested in the opposite sex and whose main hobby is online games, and his complete opposite, unsuccessfully dreaming about sex, wit, Zhenya Morozov, whose ridiculous appearance and peculiar humor do not help him in any way to win over the girls. Misha's rival is Lena's ex-boyfriend from the Faculty of Physical Education Boria, who from all the literature recognizes only Sport-Express.


Mar 04, 2019
Having met the superstar in the toilet of the restaurant, the baker from Malakhovka did not even suspect how his life would change. Luxurious parties in the style of the "Great Gatsby", social gatherings, weekends in London, the ubiquitous paparazzi and a sea of temptations – all this and not only awaits a simple guy Andrei in the world of Sasha Larina. Everything would be fine, only an offended ex-girlfriend, dreaming of revenge, and Sasha's ex–boyfriend, a sexy Hollywood actor, who plans to return Larina, were left behind.


Apr 02, 2019
The series is about how an American spy infiltrated the largest gas producing company in Russia.


Apr 02, 2019
The series is about how an American spy infiltrated the largest gas producing company in Russia.


Aug 01, 2016
This story began back in 1986. Perestroika was already underway, but the Soviet Union had not yet collapsed. It was a time when there was no Internet, hypermarkets and even mobile phones, but they drank water from the tap, there were no traffic jams in Moscow, and the keys to the apartment were quietly left under the rug.


Jun 22, 2023
Mid-2000s, the village of Livni. The brisk and purposeful Zinaida sells cosmetics and learns from one of her clients that if she gives birth to a child in America, he will automatically receive US citizenship. And when he reaches adulthood, he will be able to leave and move his parents to their new homeland. At a meeting with her friends, Zina suggests that they all get pregnant together and save up money to make a baby tour. It remains for a small matter — to get money and a father for the future American.


Sep 01, 2022
Coach Mikhail Kovalev loses his job due to his scandalous nature and disrespectful attitude towards women. To return to the Super League, he needs to win the volleyball championship with the provincial student women's team. Irina, the perfectionist vice-rector, and Natalia, the ex-girlfriend who harbored a grudge against him, will try to prevent him from doing this.


Apr 02, 2019
The series is about how an American spy infiltrated the largest gas producing company in Russia.


Apr 27, 2017
This is a story about three friends who find themselves in the maiden kingdom - in the philological faculty. The protagonist, Misha Solomonov, is naive, romantic and responsive, he writes poetry, does not know how to say no, and is hopelessly in love with classmate Lena. His best friends are the gloomy botanist Roma Babin, who is not interested in the opposite sex and whose main hobby is online games, and his complete opposite, unsuccessfully dreaming about sex, wit, Zhenya Morozov, whose ridiculous appearance and peculiar humor do not help him in any way to win over the girls. Misha's rival is Lena's ex-boyfriend from the Faculty of Physical Education Boria, who from all the literature recognizes only Sport-Express.


Mar 04, 2019
Having met the superstar in the toilet of the restaurant, the baker from Malakhovka did not even suspect how his life would change. Luxurious parties in the style of the "Great Gatsby", social gatherings, weekends in London, the ubiquitous paparazzi and a sea of temptations – all this and not only awaits a simple guy Andrei in the world of Sasha Larina. Everything would be fine, only an offended ex-girlfriend, dreaming of revenge, and Sasha's ex–boyfriend, a sexy Hollywood actor, who plans to return Larina, were left behind.