Dans le film, Adam Curtis avance que depuis les années 1970, les gouvernements, la finance et les utopistes technologiques ont abandonné la complexité du "monde réel" et ont construit un simple "monde factice" qui est géré par les entreprises et maintenu stable par les politiciens.
Around the world, journalists are increasingly being killed. They die in the crossfire. They die at the hand of criminals and corrupt governments. They die in tragic accidents. These are some of their stories.
This revealing documentary directed by Ahmed A. Jamal and Ramesh Sharma chronicles the series of events and opposing cultural forces surrounding the shocking kidnapping and murder of humanist and &NFi;Wall Street Journal&NFi_; reporter Daniel Pearl by radical Muslim militant Omar Sheikh. Interviews with Pearl's family, friends and co-workers, as well as conversations with U.S. and Pakistani officials, shed light on the motives behind the stunning tragedy.