Alexander von Glenck

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Le croque-mort - le film
Quelques années après avoir quitté son travail de croque-mort et émigré au Costa Rica, Luc Conrad se rend en Engadine pour le 70e anniversaire de son ancienne assistante. A peine les invités sont-ils arrivés à l'hôtel que son propriétaire se tue sous leurs yeux. La police locale met l'affaire sur le compte d'un accident. Mais Conrad et ses anciens compagnons d'infortune commencent à avoir des soupçons. Ils commencent à enquêter illégalement et découvrent non seulement une empoisonneuse, mais aussi de méchantes crapules.
Münter & Kandinsky

Münter & Kandinsky

Oct 24, 2024
A gifted pair of lovers: Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky, co-founder of the German modern-art movement "Blauer Reiter." While he was granted fame, artistic and financial recognition, she wasted away in his shadow.
Faking Bullshit

Faking Bullshit

Aug 27, 2020
A few small town cops are resorting to unusual means to keep their police station from being closed.
Kleine Morde

Kleine Morde

Sep 20, 2012
He's not interested in horror films, instead he listens to classical music, quotes Latin idioms - and is on trial for murder. Did 13-year-old Martin, son of a prominent judge, actually kill a little boy? And what role does his best friend, the mysterious taxi driver Viktor Gumm, play in the case?
Münter & Kandinsky

Münter & Kandinsky

Oct 24, 2024
A gifted pair of lovers: Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky, co-founder of the German modern-art movement "Blauer Reiter." While he was granted fame, artistic and financial recognition, she wasted away in his shadow.