Dance film created by choreographer Botis Seva and director Billy Boyd Cape. An exploration of love, abandonment and fatherhood, commissioned by Random Acts and Sadler's Wells.
A theatrical experience combining Hip Hop theatre and film from dance exprimentalist Botis Seva,
CAN'T KILL US ALL reveals the detoriation of one man's emotional sanity and physical stability as he confronts life in lockdown. From reflecting on childhood memories, to reliving Black trauma,
CAN'T KILL US ALL pushes through the darkness to find light, humility and peace.
Inspiré d'une puissante manie involontaire qui s'est emparée des citoyens de la ville de Strasbourg il y a un peu plus de cinq cents ans, ce film est une collaboration isolée avec certains des plus grands danseurs actuels.
A theatrical experience combining Hip Hop theatre and film from dance exprimentalist Botis Seva,
CAN'T KILL US ALL reveals the detoriation of one man's emotional sanity and physical stability as he confronts life in lockdown. From reflecting on childhood memories, to reliving Black trauma,
CAN'T KILL US ALL pushes through the darkness to find light, humility and peace.
A theatrical experience combining Hip Hop theatre and film from dance exprimentalist Botis Seva,
CAN'T KILL US ALL reveals the detoriation of one man's emotional sanity and physical stability as he confronts life in lockdown. From reflecting on childhood memories, to reliving Black trauma,
CAN'T KILL US ALL pushes through the darkness to find light, humility and peace.
Jan 28, 2021
2021 min1 vues
Sadler’s Wells & BBC Arts present a three-part celebration of dance featuring many of the UK’s leading dance companies and the most exciting new emerging talent.
Presented by Brenda Emmanus as part of BBC Arts’ Culture in Quarantine, this unique festival has been curated in lockdown by Sadler’s Wells, London - one of the world’s leading dance houses.