"The birds have flown,
spreading their dark wings,
their shadow cast upon us,
us so small,
for them, so high in the sky" A Short Film about a passionate man and his birds.
Un espion vieillissant est sur sa dernière mission pour racheter sa vie et sa carrière, mais lorsqu'une femme mystérieuse apparaît et que les liens de confiance avec ses supérieurs commencent à s'estomper, il se rend compte que le chasseur peut devenir le traquer dans un monde de miroirs et de tromperies.
Spoed is a Belgian action drama TV series produced in the Dutch language in Belgium since 2000. The series is also shown on both Flemish/Belgian TV and Dutch TV. The series is directed by Johan Thiels and Guy Thys. The series has produced 217 episodes to date. It may be compared to the American TV programs ER or Chicago Hope.
'Familie' is the longest running Belgian soap opera. The Van den Bossches originally had an electronics company, later a holding company that included a clothing chain and a sandwich shop. In the meantime, we closely follow the personal lives of the Van den Bossches and their entourage. Grandma Anna and all her children and grandchildren have been through a lot over time and it doesn't look like their lives will become calmer any time soon.
Chaque épisode de la série raconte un suivi de dossier d'une personne disparue par la Cellule des personnes disparues de la Police fédérale belge , qui s'occupe des disparitions, de l'identification de personnes et de restes humains.