Nikhil Katira est un infirmier psychiatrique travaillant à Wakefield, un établissement perché au bord des spectaculaires Blue Mountains d'Australie. Il y a un problème - tandis que ses patients s'améliorent, il empire.
This compelling series investigates the motives and m.o. of female murderers. While males are often driven by anger, impulse and destruction, women usually have more complex, long-term reasons to kill.
Évadé d’une prison australienne au début des années 80, Lin Ford s’enfuit en Inde et tente de disparaître dans les rues grouillantes de Bombay. En devenant médecin pour les plus défavorisés, Lin trouvera l’amour, l’amitié, et apprendra le courage sur le long chemin de la rédemption.
Three young women from Western Sydney each try to escape their responsibilities by hanging out in the carpark of a doughnut shop, only to fall into a surprising friendship triangle and a series of adventures.
Three young women from Western Sydney each try to escape their responsibilities by hanging out in the carpark of a doughnut shop, only to fall into a surprising friendship triangle and a series of adventures.