Sanel Budimlic

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Middle Men

Middle Men

May 17, 2009
Homme d'affaires ambitieux, Jack Harris mène une vie paisible et parfaite auprès de sa femme et ses enfants. A l'heure des débuts d'Internet, il fait une rencontre providentielle : Wayne Beering et Buck Dolby, deux génies de l'informatique ayant inventé le premier système de paiement en ligne. Le redoutable businessman va alors exploiter l'invention et l'utiliser afin de créer le tout premier site pornographique payant. Le succès est inimaginable, les trois hommes font fortune dans le milieu, mais cette réussite attire aussi les convoitises de la mafia et du FBI.
Jake's Corner

Jake's Corner

Sep 05, 2008
The fictional story of an ex-football star, Johnny Dunn, who moves far from the spotlight after a family tragedy to a small, desert town he owns called Jake's Corner. This dramatic comedy is a cross between Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) and "Northern Exposure" (1990). Set in the real town of Jake's Corner, Arizona, it is a rest stop for travelers making their way through the Arizona desert, but for the people who live there, it's a rest stop for life. Johnny and the eclectic ensemble that live and work in the town occupy trailers behind the Corner Store and Jake's Corner Bar. Through the years, this cast of misfits has become closer than most families - they are kin. The dynamic of the town is changed forever when Johnny's young nephew comes to live with him.
Dead in 5 Heartbeats

Dead in 5 Heartbeats

Jun 02, 2013
Adapted from the successful novel, Dead in 5 Heartbeats, by Ralph "Sonny" Barger with Keith and Kent Zimmerman. The story follows the Infidelz MC's former President, Patch Kinkade, who has left his personal demons behind for the calm of desert life. When war erupts between his brothers he left behind and the rival Hooligans, Patch rides back into town to either make peace or do battle.


Feb 01, 2019
A young couple thinks they’ve found paradise in the luxury home they’ve just purchased in the Arizona desert but danger lurks below the surface.