Danny Aiello III

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Miller's Crossing

Miller's Crossing

Sep 21, 1990
À l'époque de la Prohibition, le gangster Tom Reagan, bras droit d'un caïd irlandais, trahit et manipule son entourage, l'utilisant à ses propres fins, même par la violence, afin de se faire une place.
Crocodile Dundee

Crocodile Dundee

Sep 26, 1986
Crocodile Dundee alias Michael J. est un aventurier qui hante les vastes étendues du Bush australien : repas de lézards, larves et fourmis, rencontres inopinées avec des serpents et crocodiles… Élevé par une tribu d’aborigènes, il « zone » dans ces terrifiantes contrées comme un poisson dans l’eau. Sue Charlton, ambitieuse journaliste américaine, découvre l’homme sauvage et veut à tout prix faire un scoop. Elle finit par le rencontrer, l’emmène à New York, succombe à ses charmes et le suit pour le meilleur et pour le pire…
Loose Cannons

Loose Cannons

Feb 09, 1990
Aux États-Unis, afin de retrouver une vidéo compromettante prouvant les relations passées avec Adolf Hitler d'un prétendant au poste de Chancelier en Allemagne, un policier expérimenté doit faire équipe avec un inspecteur souffrant d'un trouble de la personnalité multiple.
Good Morning, Vietnam

Good Morning, Vietnam

Dec 23, 1987
Un nouveau disc jockey est envoyé au Vietnam pour animer la radio des forces armées et distraire les soldats. Son ton frais et irrévérencieux le rend vite populaire aux yeux des militaires.
Les Seigneurs

Les Seigneurs

Jul 13, 1979
Les années 1960, à New York, dans le Bronx. L'histoire décrit la vie quotidienne de jeunes qui se regroupent en bandes, chacune avec ses codes, vestimentaires ou physiques. Entre les rencontres avec les filles, les rivalités entre bandes, les problèmes ethniques, on découvre la vie de ces jeunes qui vont bientôt faire leurs premiers pas dans la vie d'adultes.
Manhattan Loto

Manhattan Loto

Jul 10, 1987
Manhattan Loto : Si tu perds tu meurs, si tu gagne je te tue... Bonne chance Harry !!! Harry Berg, joueur impénitent, perd régulièrement son argent au Loto avec l'espoir qu'un jour il touchera le gros lot. Séparé de sa femme Hilda, qu'il n'a pas vue depuis cinq ans, il oublie souvent de lui verser sa pension alimentaire. Hilda a fait alors appel à Rachel Dobs, une spécialiste en recouvrements, qui traque les maris négligents et les mauvais payeurs. Insolvable, Harry accepte de rendre service à son ex. En échange, celle-ci oublira ce qu'il lui doit. C'est ainsi que les ennuis commencent. En allant chercher une boîte noire chez Hilda, Harry tombe sur un cadavre et se fait rosser par deux individus...
Street Hunter

Street Hunter

Nov 02, 1990
Logan Blade is a tough police officer who has to confront a gang led by ruthless Colonel Walsh.
The Bride in Black

The Bride in Black

Oct 21, 1990
A Brooklyn widow (Susan Lucci) traces the past of her boxer/sculptor husband (David Soul), gunned down on their wedding day.
Amityville II : Le Possédé
Anthony Montelli est tout fier d'avoir pu acquérir cette grande et somptueuse maison de style colonial à Amityville, pas très loin de New York. Les Montelli ont quatre enfants : Mark et Jan, les plus jeunes, puis Johnny et Patricia qui sont plus âgés. Les premiers incidents sont attribués au stress et à l'énervement du déménagement et de l'emménagement. Mais, très vite, la maison semble jouer un rôle maléfique dans le comportement de Johnny...
Tante Julia et le scribouillard
En 1951, à La Nouvelle-Orleans, Pedro Carmichael, scénariste brillant, est engagé par la radio "la Voix de La Nouvelle-Orleans". Son feuilleton Kings of the garden district est un succès sans précédent et redresse ainsi le taux d'écoute de la radio. Fin observateur, il alimente la trame de son feuilleton avec la vie privée de ses collaborateurs, ce qui ne manque pas de faire éclater un scandale.
18 Shades of Dust

18 Shades of Dust

Sep 01, 1999
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
La Manière forte

La Manière forte

Mar 08, 1991
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
Coyote Girls

Coyote Girls

Jul 30, 2000
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
Drop Zone

Drop Zone

Dec 08, 1994
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.


Dec 06, 2002
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
The Hours

The Hours

Dec 27, 2002
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.


Mar 27, 1992
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.


Mar 27, 1992
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
Père et flic

Père et flic

Sep 06, 2002
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
The Spitfire Grill

The Spitfire Grill

Aug 23, 1996
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Mar 16, 1990
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Philadelphia Security

Philadelphia Security

May 21, 1982
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Le diable s'habille en Prada
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
30 ans sinon rien

30 ans sinon rien

Apr 13, 2004
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Arrête-moi si tu peux
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Science Fiction


May 31, 2001
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
The Box

The Box

Oct 29, 2009
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
Une chance pas croyable
Percy, upon being released from prison, goes to the small town of Gillead, to find a place where she can start over again. She is taken in by Hannah, to help out at her place, the Spitfire Grill. Percy brings change to the small town, stirring resentment and fear in some, and growth in others.
18 Shades of Dust

18 Shades of Dust

Sep 01, 1999
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
Mémoire effacée

Mémoire effacée

Sep 24, 2004
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
New Jack City

New Jack City

Mar 08, 1991
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
Halloween II

Halloween II

Aug 28, 2009
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.
The Lemon Sisters

The Lemon Sisters

Dec 01, 1989
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.


Dec 23, 1994
Two gangsters threaten the owner of an upscale restaurant after his son can't pay a gambling debt.

Dec 14, 2003

Cette vaste chronique s’attarde au destin d’une série de personnages qui sont, de près ou de loin, affectés par la maladie du Sida au courant des années ’80. Dans l’adversité, certains de ces personnages, dont les destins s’entrecroisent, sont sujets à d’étranges visions dans lesquelles leur apparaît un ange.