G.J. Echternkamp

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Hard Candy

Hard Candy

Jan 14, 2005
Hayley et Jeff se sont connus sur Internet. Elle est une très belle adolescente de 14 ans, et lui un séduisant photographe trentenaire. C'est elle qui a suggéré d'aller chez lui pour être plus tranquille, elle qui a voulu qu'il prenne quelques photos, elle qui leur a servi à boire et a commencé à retirer ses vêtements... Lorsqu'il se réveille, Jeff est ligoté et Hayley retourne tout chez lui. Elle a des questions à lui poser, et elle est décidée à obtenir des réponses. Elle sait qu'elle n'est pas la première adolescente à venir chez Jeff, elle veut découvrir ce qu'est devenue Donna Mauer. Sur le net, elle a également appris comment on pouvait jouer avec un bistouri, et elle meurt d'envie d'essayer...
A Necessary Death

A Necessary Death

Mar 08, 2008
"Documentary Filmmaker looking for suicidal individual to follow from first preparation to final act." Cut from 142 video tapes, this project sheds light on the tragedy following the infamous Internet ad.
Yard Sale

Yard Sale

Jan 01, 2004
Harley and Renee Atwater, both in their early 30s, on a warm, sunny, Saturday morning, as they are preparing their "Yard Sale." The reason for the yard sale is simple In two days their divorce will be final and, at their mediator's suggestion, they've decided to sell all of the possessions they've acquired during their 11-year marriage and split the profits. And during the constant haggling with buyers over the dozens of items that Harley and Renee are selling, the items often lead to "flashbacks" of incidents that occurred earlier in the couple's marriage,giving us a unique insight into how and why their relationship spiraled downward, ultimately leading to their pending divorce and this unique "Yard Sale."
Rotten: Behind the Foodfight
In 2012, the animated feature Foodfight! was unleashed on the world. It was given a theatrical release just a year before in the UK, Russia, and Dubai. The movie cost approximately 32 million dollars, starred Charlie Sheen, Wayne Brady, Hillary Duff, Eva Longoria, and Christopher Lloyd. Yet it only made back less than 1% of its budget and lives in infamy as the worst animated feature ever created. This is its story.
Mesures exceptionnelles
D'origine modeste, John Crowley a finalement réussi dans les affaires. Il mène une carrière brillante, soutenu par sa femme Aileen et leurs trois enfants. Mais juste au moment où le succès lui sourit, Crowley apprend que ses deux plus jeunes enfants, Megan et Patrick, sont atteints d'une maladie incurable. Face à l'absence de soins adaptés, Crowley décide de se jeter dans ce combat à sa façon. Il abandonne tout pour faire équipe avec le Dr Robert Stonehill, un scientifique brillant mais controversé. Ensemble, ils créent une société de biotechnologie pour développer un médicament qui pourrait sauver bien des vies, à commencer par celles de Megan et Patrick.
Those for Whom It's Always Complicated
Ayant connu des jours plus heureux, Camille et G.J. décident de se changer les idées et partent en week-end dans le désert – autant dire une vraie aventure pour les citadins dépourvus de capacité d'adaptation qu’ils sont. À mi-chemin, Morgan, l’ex-petite amie de G.J., l’appelle à la rescousse : elle est coincée au beau milieu de nulle part, ce qui se trouve être précisément sur le chemin du week-end. Morgan passe donc trois jours avec eux, ce qui va bouleverser les plans de Camille. Entre fous rires, concours de danse, chasse au bébé renard et angoisses existentielles, Camille et G.J. vont devoir réévaluer leurs attentes et leur avenir.
On Holiday

On Holiday

Mar 02, 2010
A young man named Peyton moves to Los Angeles with his girlfriend. Over the course of three years and six parties, Peyton goes into a world of drugs, sex and electronic blues music to find himself.
A Necessary Death

A Necessary Death

Mar 08, 2008
"Documentary Filmmaker looking for suicidal individual to follow from first preparation to final act." Cut from 142 video tapes, this project sheds light on the tragedy following the infamous Internet ad.
Virtually Heroes

Virtually Heroes

Jan 18, 2013
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Frank and Cindy

Frank and Cindy

Jun 16, 2015
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Frank and Cindy

Frank and Cindy

Jun 16, 2015
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Frank & Cindy

Frank & Cindy

Mar 25, 2007
Frank & Cindy is a deeply personal documentary about Frank Garcia, an '80s one-hit wonder musician, and his blonde bombshell wife Cindy, who makes him live in the basement.
La course à la mort 2050
Frank & Cindy is a deeply personal documentary about Frank Garcia, an '80s one-hit wonder musician, and his blonde bombshell wife Cindy, who makes him live in the basement.
La course à la mort 2050
Frank & Cindy is a deeply personal documentary about Frank Garcia, an '80s one-hit wonder musician, and his blonde bombshell wife Cindy, who makes him live in the basement.
Virtually Heroes

Virtually Heroes

Jan 18, 2013
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Virtually Heroes

Virtually Heroes

Jan 18, 2013
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Virtually Heroes

Virtually Heroes

Jan 18, 2013
Two self-aware characters in a "Call of Duty" style video game struggle with their screwy, frustrating existence.
Never Make It Home

Never Make It Home

Jun 24, 2011
In 2006, after 10 years of constant touring with his band, Kirk Rundstrom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. With only two months left to live, he decided to book a tour.
Never Make It Home

Never Make It Home

Jun 24, 2011
In 2006, after 10 years of constant touring with his band, Kirk Rundstrom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. With only two months left to live, he decided to book a tour.
The Car: Road to Revenge
In 2006, after 10 years of constant touring with his band, Kirk Rundstrom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. With only two months left to live, he decided to book a tour.
How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

Mar 31, 2014
Ted se remémore ses jeunes années, lorsqu'il était encore célibataire. Il raconte à ses enfants avec nostalgie ses moments d'égarements et de troubles, ses rencontres et ses recherches effrénées du Grand Amour et les facéties de sa bande d'amis...