A struggling young actress is cast in a film by a mysterious production company; as she prepares for her role the character's fictitious narrative starts to bleed into her reality.
Vic et Melinda Van Allen est un couple aisé de la Nouvelle-Orléans dont le mariage s'écroule sous le poids de la rancœur, de la jalousie et du doute. Alors que leurs provocations et manipulations mutuelles s'intensifient, les choses se transforment rapidement en un jeu du chat et de la souris mortel lorsque les amants de Melinda commencent à disparaître.
Anne Hutchinson's troubled relationship with her missing sister is under alien tribunal. Meanwhile, her new roommate's mysterious illness causes her to go on a cannibalistic killing spree.
A struggling young actress is cast in a film by a mysterious production company; as she prepares for her role the character's fictitious narrative starts to bleed into her reality.
A struggling young actress is cast in a film by a mysterious production company; as she prepares for her role the character's fictitious narrative starts to bleed into her reality.
A struggling young actress is cast in a film by a mysterious production company; as she prepares for her role the character's fictitious narrative starts to bleed into her reality.