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Sep 23, 2021
Aoyagi Naoto tient un supermarché. Un jour, il voit une collégienne voler des cosmétiques dans son magasin. La gamine s'enfuit du supermarché, mais elle se fait renverser par une voiture et un camion. Elle meurt dans l'accident. Le père de la fille, Soeda Mitsuru, ne croit pas à l'accusation selon laquelle sa fille volait dans le magasin. Il commence à placer les personnes impliquées dans la mort de sa fille, y compris Aoyagi et le conducteur de la voiture, dans un coin. Pendant ce temps, Aoyagi et la conductrice de la voiture sont déroutées par la pression de Mitsuru et l'intense couverture médiatique.


Apr 23, 2016
The story is set in the early 21st century with the population decimated by bio terror. Two kinds of humans now exist. One is the Nokusu who were infected with a virus but survived and consequently they carry an antibody. Most are young, healthy and have high intelligence, but they have a high sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and are active mostly during the night. The other group are the Kyurio. They survived by never having the virus. The Nokusu discriminates against the Kyurio. Tetsuhiko Okudera is a Kyurio. He was born in a poor village. He isn't happy with being a Kyurio and wishes he could be a Nokusu. Yui Ikuta is Tetsuhiko’s childhood friend. She tries to revive the poor village.
Science Fiction
人妻の湿地帯 舌先に乱されて
What is the secret of a beautiful wife hidden in the depths of my memory? It is an erotic suspense that sensually depicts the nasty secret of a beautiful wife who lost her memory. Starring is the former Ebisu Muscats from the modeling industry, and Airi Kijima from the movies "Sayonara If You Sell Your Body" and "The Queen of Dark Gold".


Aug 28, 2020
A new and more contagious virus emerged after COVID-19 and forced Japan to live an even more severe self-restraint. During the time of COVID-19 it was necessary to maintain a social distance of 2 meters, with this new ferocious virus the distance had to be of at least 50 meters. Otomi was born inside his house and has never been outside. One day he hears a strange noise and leaves the house for the first time in his life.


Mar 05, 2024
When a screenwriter named KAORU dies suddenly, she leaves behind a tangle of relations who are all pulled together for the final act in her life: performing her funeral. The chief mourner is her ex-husband, Jun. A failed actor, he drifts around Tokyo as a driver for callgirls. He has to clean himself up to lead the ceremony down in the small village in Okayama that KAORU came from. There, he meets a host of eccentric characters, TV people, and KAORU ’s daughter, all of whom have complicated feelings for the recently departed. As can be guessed, the funeral becomes chaotic as people quarrel and fight but the fact that KAORU was loved is not in doubt as nostalgia, bitterness, and affection for the woman come out from each mourner in comic confrontations.


Aug 02, 2024
A chef's life is disrupted by a chime that brings with it an increasing sense of dread.
Shin Godzilla

Shin Godzilla

Jul 29, 2016
Un raz de marée inonde une partie de la côte de Tokyo. Après avoir pensé qu’il s’agissait d’une catastrophe naturelle, les scientifiques se rendent compte que le responsable de ce désastre n’est autre que Godzilla, une créature géante prête à tout détruire sur son passage.
Histoire de ma mère

Histoire de ma mère

Apr 28, 2012
L'écrivain Kosaku Igami, élevé loin de ses parents, pense qu'il a été rejeté par sa mère. Ne pouvant oublier celle-ci même après avoir atteint l'age adulte, Kosaku demande un jour à la vielle femme atteinte de sénilité si elle avait abandonné son enfant dans sa ville natale. Elle lui récite alors un poème qui lui fait comprendre le vraie sentiment qu'elle éprouve. Alors que son ressentiment vis-à-vis de sa mère s'évanouit, Kosaku apprend la nouvelle de sa disparition.


May 18, 2024
Maki finds out that she is pregnant. She enjoys a gentle pregnancy, but one day, as the due date approaches, Maki is hospitalized. She undergoes a prenatal diagnosis to confirm the safety of her child and the results are negative. Maki is relieved, but when the time comes to give birth, the baby is born with an incurable disease.


Feb 01, 2023
Après avoir provoqué un incident majeur, le policier Daigo Agawa emmène sa femme et sa fille vivre dans un village de montagne isolé, appelé Kuge. L’endroit semble parfait pour se remettre de l’épreuve, malgré la disparition mystérieuse d’un précédent officier affecté là-bas. Un jour, le corps d’une vieille femme est retrouvé dans la montagne. La famille Goto affirme qu’elle a été attaquée par un ours, mais Daigo remarque une trace de morsure humaine. Il devient vite évident que tout n’est pas comme il paraît dans le village.


Dec 10, 2024
East Shinjuku Night High School has students with various challenges. Delinquent Taketo is trapped in a negative spiral. Filipina-Japanese Angela struggles with schoolwork, while Kasumi spends all her class hours in the infirmary. Shozo had to leave school to work in his youth. With guidance from their new science teacher, Fujitake, they work on an experiment for an academic conference.