Giampaolo Rossi

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I sogni del signor Rossi
At the end of another week of work Rossi returns home with the intention of enjoying a quiet and peaceful weekend. He lives with Gastone, his dog-friend,who, after a week of loneliness, can't wait to go out, for instance to the movies, and have fun. Gastone as a matter of fact is a passionate fan of movies, television and heroes' books. He always compares Rossi with them and nags with a petulant : "Rossi, Rossi, if you only were...braver, stronger, richer...". His continuous complaints push Rossi to identify himself with those heroes; throughout the film we will meet Rossi-Tarzan, Rossi-Astronaut, Rossi-Sherlock Holmes, Rossi-Zorro, Rossi-Hollywood actor, Rossi-scientist, Rossi-Lancelot, Rossi-Aladdin. Eight fantastic adventures in which Rossi, along with faithful Gastone, relishes the joy of being a hero.
Le vacanze del signor Rossi
A story about Mr. Rossi and his dog who go on vacation and all the adventures they have, from leading an animal revolt to climbing the Andes, or heading to the beach and being serenaded by strange fish.
Brèves vacances

Brèves vacances

Jul 21, 1973
Une jeune ouvrière, qui s'ennuie entre sa vie de famille et son travail, est envoyée dans un sanatorium pour traiter sa tuberculose. Son quotidien prend alors une toute nouvelle tournure, bien plus agréable.