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Naughty babe

Naughty babe

Oct 21, 2023
[suite de Cutie pie] Trois ans ont passé depuis le mariage symbolique de Kuea et Lian. Yi et Khondiao se sont fiançés, mais pour le mariage, Yi trouve toujours des raisons de le remettre à plus tard. Depuis tout ce temps, ils ne se touchent plus et dorment séparément. Malgré son amour pour Yi, Khondiao en a assez d'attendre, il se sent délaissé et commence à douter de l'amour de Yi. De son côté, Yi doit assumer de lourdes responsabilités en tant qu'héritier d'un grand groupe. Harcelé par les médias, il annonce leur mariage prochain, au moment où Khondiao décide de partir seul pour la Suisse où il rêvait de passer sa lune de miel. Il ne se doute pas que Yi va tenter de le rattraper et avoir un accident de voiture dans des circonstances étranges. A son réveil, Yi souffre d'amnésie partielle et ne se souvient de Khondiao que comme d'un enfant de 7 ans...
Two Worlds

Two Worlds

May 16, 2024
Khram et Phupha sont deux jeunes hommes en couple. Le bonheur de Kram se retrouve détruit par l'assassinat de celui qu'il aime. Alors qu'il avait déjà perdu sa mère, tuée par Thai, quelque temps plus tôt, ce nouveau drame lui crée un réel traumatisme. Tentant de se suicider, la vie en décide autrement. Il se retrouve alors projeté dans un monde parallèle. Dans cet autre univers, Thai a également vu l'homme qu'il aime, qui est une autre version de Kram, être assassiné. Il a alors la surprise de trouver sur le bord de la route, bien vivant, son amant qu'il pensait ne plus jamais revoir. Apprenant que Phupha est toujours en vie dans ce monde, Kram fera tout pour qu'il le reste, même à accepter l'aide de Thai malgré leurs souvenirs contraires et douloureux.
Cutie pie

Cutie pie

Jan 27, 2023
Les fils de deux sociétés, Lian Kilen Wang et Kuea Keerati, se sont fiancés à la demande de leurs familles ; l'un ne veut pas d'un mariage arrangé tandis que l'autre veut le conquérir.
War of Y is divided into four stories about struggles within the entertainment industry. Story 1- New Ship Before the ship, it wasn't easy. But this new era is even harder. Story 2 - War of Managers The story of a shipped couple who are privately a real couple. Managers and drama clash until the couple is forced to separate. Story 3 - Y-Idol A reality search for new actors—who can sing, dance, and act—and the chaos of the Idol Camp. Story 4 - Wife When one half of a shipped couple has a wife, will their future in this industry be ruined?
The series follows Police Captain Petch Phumthai's story. He was attacked and lost his left eye. Luckily, someone donated an eye, but to his surprise, it was a special eye that can see ghosts. He uses it to solve police investigations and prove cases.
บอยแบนด์ เดอะซีรีส์
Boyband tells the story of a group of teenagers who aspire to become a world-class boy group. They have to go through high-intensity singing and dancing training and fierce competition before they can become artists under the banner of World Star, the company of Khun Serena, the queen of the entertainment industry who inspires fear. Her artists are forbidden to enter into romantic relationships with one another. However, Top and Juju's relationship evolves from rivals to friends and ultimately more. Between love and their dreams, what will they choose?


Sep 14, 2023
Jung Lee Won is a student at a leading South Korean university. He's majoring in acting and hopes to become a star in the future. His nemesis is Kim Ji Oh, a student in the same academic year who's majoring in directing. They bicker whenever they meet and constantly accuse one another of getting in their way. The nature of their majors, however, means they often have to work together. Little did Jung Lee Won know, that his younger sister is writing a web novel where he and Kim Ji Oh are lovers! One day, Jung Lee Won uncovers his sister’s secret writings and becomes outraged. He vows that if there is any truth in the fact that he secretly likes Kim Ji Oh, the novel’s fantastic storyline should become reality. He may soon rue this vow, though! At university, he finds he must spend more time with Kim Ji Oh than ever. And he starts to wonder if he really is starting to feel the pull of attraction to his bitterest enemy… Korean remake of the 2020 Thai drama of the same name.
มหา’ลัย คลั่ง
As an unknown virus spreads throughout the city, transforming the population into zombies, a group of students take refuge in a school to defend themselves against the outside threat. Their escape becomes a race against time to leave without being contaminated.


Mar 09, 2021
When hunger and loneliness are the same as home. Because eating alone, it's a big deal. The operation to find someone to eat also began...
Why R U : The Series

Why R U : The Series

Apr 24, 2020
On dit que Tutor est «sage» au-delà de son âge et agit rationnellement, tandis que Fighter est du type «émotionnel». Ils ont commencé à avoir une certaine animosité l'un envers l'autre, mais ont développé une relation étroite juste après. Saifah est un musicien populaire et se livre souvent à des méfaits tandis que Zon est timide mais têtu. Il est également écrivain de science-fiction.
DMD Friendship The Reality
A group of eight Domundi artist trainees come together in this reality show where they'll develop their skills and compete in a series of missions. All the while, they'll be working on their chemistry in the search for a partner they'll be compatible with both on and off screen. The prize is a the opportunity to perform as the lead couple in a new Domundi Y series.
Sam flees to a southern island after his brother steals the love he secretly cherished for years. Just as he's healing, his meddling brother sends someone to drag him back. Jam, a sharp-witted assistant, is tasked with finding and retrieving the runaway. Tracking Sam is one thing—convincing him to return is another!