Magdalena Osińska

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May 27, 2024
A play about the fall of communism in Poland showned from a different perspective. We will see this historic event through the eyes of the couples participating in it. In the lives of the Frasyniuks, Wałęsas and Kurońes, political ideas compete with love, enthusiasm collides with the weight of history, and heroism intertwines with family tragedies. Viewers will accompany the heroes in iconic moments - during the strikes in the shipyard and at the Round Table - as well as in intimate moments of joy and suffering experienced in the privacy of apartments in the Polish People's Republic or in prison cells.


Oct 02, 2020
Une jeune chanteuse douée est propulsée au rang de star grâce à un concours télévisé. Mais son véritable objectif, c'est de gagner l'amour de son père, un membre du jury


Sep 13, 2019
The year 1901, a psychiatric hospital in the Russian partition. One of the patients is a political prisoner - Józef Piłsudski. The Polish underground independence movement is preparing their mission to rescue the famous activist. Piłsudski is freed, but he will not get back his idyll family life that he once knew. Uncertain years are coming, marked by revolutionary events, violence and betrayal. Pilsudski must find a way to man oeuvre on the boggy ground - between the conservative passivity of the Polish Socialist Party and the aggression against the invaders, resulting in retaliation. The year 1914 is coming, and the chance for restoring an independent country, independent Poland, is now or never.
Ostatnie śniegi

Ostatnie śniegi

Sep 01, 2020
When a heart breaks, the gap spreads along the weakest and most receptive parts of the enclosing world. ‘Fading Snow’ presents one night from the life of 35-year-old Mania who leaves her safe place – the theatre – and sets off to find her way back to home in a broken city of Warsaw.
25 lat niewinności. Sprawa Tomka Komendy
Tomasz Komenda was 23 years old when his normal life was brutally interrupted. Overnight he was arrested, thrown into prison and charged with murder. Subsequent expert opinions confirmed his participation in the crime, and any evidence was against him. For nearly two decades in prison, he was beaten, intimidated, humiliated and on his own. Finally, after 18 years of imprisonment, prosecutors and a policeman appeared on his way, who decided to discover the truth behind the mysterious case of the detainee.
Les Monstres de Cracovie
Une jeune femme hantée par son passé rejoint un mystérieux professeur et son groupe d'étudiants surdoués pour analyser des phénomènes paranormaux et combattre des démons.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Do dzwonka

Do dzwonka

Nov 07, 2010
Do dzwonka is a Polish television sitcom, originally aired by the Disney Channel Poland since 7 November 2010. It is a Polish adaptation of the Disney Channel Italy series Quelli dell'intervallo.