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Memories of Matsuko

Memories of Matsuko

May 27, 2006
Lorsque Kawajiri-kun se fait larguer par sa copine, il apprend le décès d'une tante dont il n'avait jamais entendue parler. Matsuko de son prénom fut retrouvée morte près de la rivière de son domicile. Sous la demande de son indifférent de père, il se rend sur les lieux pour faire le ménage dans le taudis qui servait d'appartement à la défunte tata. Au fil des rencontres et des témoignages commence le récit de la vie calamiteuse d'une femme japonaise issue du baby boom, à la fois maladroite, naïve et d'une beauté transcendante.
Demon Pond

Demon Pond

May 25, 2005
L'histoire contemporaine d'un homme à la recherche d'un ami qui a mystérieusement disparu, avec un conte magique impliquant d'étranges créatures, une princesse au cœur brisé, et un pacte indéfectible. Les conflits entre la foi et le scepticisme, ainsi qu'entre l'obligation sociale et le désir personnel, guident le récit vers une conclusion dramatique où les mondes du réel et du surréel se rencontrent inévitablement.


Feb 03, 2001
Taguchi, un jeune informaticien, est retrouvé pendu dans son appartement. Sous le choc, ses collègues cherchent à en savoir plus sur ce suicide inexplicable.La victime a laissé un mystérieux message contenu dans une simple disquette. De toute évidence, celle-ci recèle un virus qui contamine ses utilisateurs et a de graves répercussions sur leur comportement.A Tokyo, l'inquiétude grandit au fur et à mesure que le virus se propage à travers les réseaux informatiques. Des petits groupes de jeunes gens tentent de résister, tandis que les disparitions se multiplient.
世にも奇妙な物語 映画の特集編
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain, listening to stories told by one of the group. These include tales of a group stranded in the mountains and haunted by guilt over a death they inadvertantly caused, an emotionally broken chessmaster pressed into playing a real-life game for an eccentric millionaire, a wandering medieval samurai who finds a modern-day cell phone on the ground and a person on the other end asking questions about the past, and a young couple who agree to try a computer simulation of what their future as husband and wife would be like.


Feb 24, 2006
Un soir ordinaire dans un bar. Sai, un apprenti yakuza, a le coup de foudre pour Sheila, la petite amie du chef du clan Kurogane. Mais la belle disparaît trois jours après, pour ne réapparaître que 342 jours plus tard, déclarant que leurs destins sont liés. Sous le charme, le jeune homme décide de la suivre, malgré les risques...
TV Show : La Mort en direct
Dix personnes se retrouvent dans un complexe nommé "Ankikan" afin de postuler pour un emploi de courte durée payé 112 000 yens l'heure. Ces dix personnes sont informées qu'elles seront surveillées constamment durant 7 jours dans le cadre d'une expérience. Ils se retrouvent chacun munis d'une arme et cloitrés dans des chambres individuelles. Une fois installées, les règles de l'expérience leur sont communiquées : chaque personne doit être de retour dans sa chambre pour 22 h et à l'issue des 7 jours, il ne doit rester que deux survivants pour que l'expérience prenne fin...
La mélodie du malheur
La famille Katakuri vient juste d'ouvrir un refuge dans les montages. Malheureusement, leur premier client se suicide dans sa chambre. Afin de ne pas éveiller les soupçons, ils décident d'enterrer le corps dans l'arrière-cour. Tout se complique lorsque leur deuxième client, un célèbre sumo professionnel, meurt en faisant l'amour à sa très jeune fiancée. Les cadavres commencent à s'amonceler dans la tombe de fortune creusée derrière leur refuge...
Tokyo Eyes

Tokyo Eyes

Sep 09, 1998
La police de Tokyo est sur les traces d'un tueur appelé "le Bigleux". Hinano, une jeune fille, trouve K. Il s'est invente un role de justicier et, derrière ses lunettes déformantes, il tire sur ses victimes mais les rate toujours. Les rate-t-il vraiment?
Tokyo Decadence 2

Tokyo Decadence 2

Dec 17, 1994
Un regard sur la vie de deux travailleuses du sexe à Tokyo : Rei, qui travaille comme dominatrice S&M, et Ayumi, qui exerce le métier plus simple de call-girl. En plus de leur vie professionnelle, le film s'intéresse également à leur vie privée. Rei joue dans une troupe de théâtre amateur (avec la réceptionniste du service d'escorte d'Ayumi), tandis qu'Ayumi vit avec son petit ami étudiant qui se bat pour être enfin accepté à l'université.
二流小説家 シリアリスト
Ippei Akabane (Takaya Kamikawa) is an unpopular novelist. He barely makes ends meet writing serials novels under different pen names. Daigo Kurei (Shinji Takeda) is on death row. He killed four women twelve years ago. During his murdering spree, he sent pictures of his decapitated victims with flower decoration to the police. The murders and photos caused widespread panic in Japan. One day, Ippei is contacted by Daigo from prison. He asks Ippei if he wants to interview him and write his memoirs. Soon, more women are killed in the same grisly manner as the serial murders from twelve years ago. Now, Ippei becomes the prime suspect of the police and Ippei must quickly find the real murderer. Based on the novel "The Serialist" by David Gordon (published by Simon & Schuster; Original edition on March 9, 2010).
In the year 2060, KEN, a 25-year-old young man raised by aliens living illegally on Earth, makes a living by selling dubious drugs, idolizing Carl Gotch as a god. One day, he is caught cheating on his drug sales and becomes the target of a gang. However, it turns out that KEN's ID is forged and alien, and he is deported back to the planet where he was raised. There, KEN encounters many unusual phenomena.


Mar 15, 2003
It's the year 1999, Hei-shu, a long-term unemployed man, finally gets a job in a local musical band, performing at funerals and weddings. One day, Hei-shu's cat is missing. He later suspects that the cat has turned into a woman.


Dec 18, 1999
Kyoto, au printemps 1865. Sozaburo et Hyozo viennent tous deux d'être embrigadés, au temple Nishi-Honganji, dans une prestigieuse milice composée exclusivement de samouraïs. Sozaburo, par son aspect androgyne, trouble tous les soldats, suscitant bien des convoitises. Bien que rien dans la milice n'interdise les amours entre hommes, certains d'entre eux le désirent en secret, même si Sozaburo clame haut et fort qu'il n'aime pas les garçons. Lorsqu'on retrouve le corps sans vie d'un soldat, c'est Sozaburo qui est chargé d'exécuter le principal suspect, qui n'est autre que Hyozo, soupçonné d'avoir tué par jalousie…
Vaine Illusion

Vaine Illusion

Dec 11, 1999
Haru dirige une compagnie de production musicale avec son ami Kenji. Il ne s'investit guère dans son travail. Sa fiancée, Michi, rêve d'autres horizons. Ils s'aiment, mais n'arrivent pas à se retrouver dans un Japon venteux, gris et étrangement vide. Ils se déchirent et sont attirés par des fantasmes de plus en plus violents...
Science Fiction
Kung Fu kid

Kung Fu kid

Mar 29, 2007
Kung Fu n'est pas un garçon comme les autres : c'est un jeune moine Shaolin plein de talent. Mais pour entrer dans la légende de ses maîtres, il doit mener un ultime combat contre un ennemi dont il ignore tout. C'est alors le début d'une aventure extraordinaire pour Kung Fu, pleine de combats héroïques et de nouvelles amitiés…
Le Goût du thé

Le Goût du thé

Jul 17, 2004
Le destin croisé de la famille Haruno, qui vit dans un village de montagne près de Tokyo.


Jan 04, 2024
Centers around a disturbing murder case that occurs during a company trip. In the wake of the incident in which the company’s general manager is killed by someone, unexpected internal problems are revealed that had previously been thoroughly concealed to this point. Matoba Ikuko is a plain, gloomy and unfriendly general worker, but her work is fast and accurate. She becomes interested in the case and decides to lead her own investigation. Mikami Tazuko is a hardworking sales manager who witnesses her manager’s affair while on the trip and begins to develop her own theories through her private social media diary.


Jan 21, 1995
Eight love stories start and end in an amusement park.


Aug 25, 2001
Rai pedals his bike and trailer about town, collecting old iron and sowing flower seeds. Because his face never seems to show emotion, everybody calls him Hotoke - meaning Buddha. His elder brother Shiba, however, is tough as nails and works the black market. Rai is building a gigantic statue of Buddha from the scrap metal he has gathered over the years. He prays the Buddha he is creating will come to life and rid the world of its cruelty.
Kasumi Sawaki (Honami Suzuki) works for a top-ranked newspaper publishing company as a capable economic reporter. Speaking six languages fluently, she vigorously performs research and interviews. Her fiance, Ishii (Shingo Tsurumi) is an elite in the same company. Although her work and love seem to go very well, she is suddenly relegated to the minor Sports Department which is full of strange colleagues.


Nov 03, 1994
The movie version of the TV series that gained cult popularity. One day, the Kirihara brothers who have supernatural powers meet a supernatural power girl named Sakie Tengen, and fight against an organization that has noticed her ability.
Science Fiction
Totsunyuseyo! Asama sanso jiken
Lorsque l'Armée rouge du Japon a pris une femme en otage lors de leur fuite, à Asama dans la région de Nagano, en 1972, l'officier Atsuyuki Sassa a été chargé de désamorcer la situation. Mais la tâche n'est pas aisée. À son arrivée dans la région montagneuse de Nagano, Sassa a dû faire face à des températures hivernales glaciales, à des rivalités entre la police métropolitaine de Tokyo et la police préfectorale de Nagano, ainsi qu'à l'opinion publique, afin de pouvoir sauver l'otage.


Jan 26, 2008
Eiji Morioka is legendary fighter, he is the 3rd and last Japanese boxing medalist. His life story is told from the eyes of his daughter Haruko, who is involved in checkered life of Eiji. Touching true story full of love.
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
An ordinary salaryman named Tokichi Inaba who inadvertently becomes involved in the death of a legendary hitman. Facing bankruptcy and saddled with a 35-year mortgage, Inaba is coerced into becoming a hitman himself by the mysterious and beautiful troublemaker Chinatsu, all while trying to keep his new wife Misako in the dark about his double life.
ロストクライム -閃光-
Katagiri, a highly ambitious young detective, teams up with older detective Takiguchi, who is about to retire, to investigate a murder that took place by Sumida River. Katagiri is annoyed by Takiguchi's pushiness, but is surprised to hear that the victim was a suspect in the 300 million yen robbery.
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.


Apr 05, 2014
At a pawn shop called "K" which is known for being a place where backroom deals are conducted, a professional burglar named Ryo Fudo puts together a team with the aim of stealing a legendary cache of gold. Ryo plans to wash his hands of thievery once and for all after this one final job, but conflicting intentions and betrayal soon complicate the situation.
さよならドビュッシー ~ピアニスト探偵 岬洋介~
Yosuke Misaki used to be a promising prosecutor, but he suddenly quit his job. He begins a new career as a pianist. He knocks on the door of wealthy man Kentaro Katsuki who lives in a peaceful area of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. Kentaro Katsuki lives with his housekeeper Michiko Tsuzuruki (Midoriko Kimura). Kentaro allows Yosuke Misaki to stay at his home. Near Kentaro Katsuki's home, lives the Sanada family. At their home, Haruka aspires to become a pianist. One day, a fatal fire breaks out at the Sanada's house. Later, Yosuke helps Haruka to play the piano again.
TV Movie
AMON デビルマン黙示録
Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike.


Jul 05, 2019
Ce film est l’adaptation du roman éponyme de Hirayama Yumeaki publié en 2009. Oba Kanako est une jeune femme qui contacte un mystérieux site pour un travail à temps partiel. Cependant, cet acte met sa vie en péril : elle a le choix entre travailler au restaurant Diner où tous les clients sont des tueurs à gages psychopathes en tant que serveuse ou se faire tuer
TAMALA2010 a punk cat in space
Tamala is a cat living on Planet Cat Earth in the Feline Galaxy. In attempt to leave the Feline Galaxy, which is practically owned by a mega corporation called Catty & Co., she crashes on the violence-ridden Planet Q where she meets Michelangelo. Together they have fun, while Tamala seaches for her connections to Catty & Co. and her mysterious homeworld Orion.


Jun 26, 1995
Harumi is now an ex-salary man who is in need of a job. Living in a lodging house along with his cousin and socially-challenged tenants, he is forced to take over the cooking and cleaning when his grandmother is suddenly hospitalized because of a heart attack. One day, ANA Airways purchases a dormitory that sits right behind the lodge. And suddenly, dozens of gorgeous 1990s-fashioned OL-looking flight attendants move in. It is a fantasy come true for these men. Although Harumi can't stand heights and flying, ironically he falls in love with one of the flight attendants. But, he has some competition - including his ex co-worker, a business man in Paris, and even a 10-year old cooking genius. Can Harumi gain enough courage on his own to win her love? Or, does he need the aid of bottled milk to give him the energy?
Jikou Keisatsu

Jikou Keisatsu

Dec 06, 2019
Kiriyama est un officier de police travaillant dans un département de gestion de la prescription. Alors qu'il archive quotidiennement des informations sur des crimes non résolus qui ont été abandonnés par la loi et la police en raison de l'expiration du délai de prescription, il trouve soudain une nouvelle idée. "Oui, j'ai trouvé mon nouveau passe-temps personnel ! Menez des enquêtes sur ces cas oubliés !"


Mar 19, 1993
It is said that the mysterious "power" of human beings is hidden in 70 percent of the brain called Night Head. Two brothers have been incarcerated in a secure scientific facility for the past fifteen years due to their paranormal abilities.
私立探偵 濱マイク
Mike Hama, Private Detective, is a chain-smoking, wisecracking tough guy with a weakness for the ladies and a soft spot in his heart, especially for his kid sister Akane. Mike's so down on his luck he'll take any case, from finding a lost pet to spying on cheating spouses. But every now and then, along comes a client with dubious and dangerous case… and that's when Mike shows his stuff.
Teppei has been living an ordinary and humble life, but soon he learns that his wife, Natsuyo, has inherited 4.8 billion yen. Why did she hide it from him? Scarred by the battle at his company, can Teppei turn the tables in the second half of his life?
Hikari to Tomo Ni

Hikari to Tomo Ni

Jun 23, 2004
Sachiko et Masato Azuma, étaient heureux à la naissance de leur premier enfant tant attendu. Il apporterait un grand bonheur à la vie de famille des Azuma. Jusqu'au jour où Sachiko remarque qu'il y avait quelque chose de différent chez Hikaru. Traversant tant de difficultés pour élever son fils autiste qu'elle ne sait pas quoi faire, elle trouve l'aide d'un professeur très spécial, Rio, qui lui apprend comment gérer l'autisme de son fils et à penser positivement à sa vie de famille.
Ryuichiro's bride, company president Mayumi Kitahara dies, leaving him to take care of her daughter Natsumi. Natsumi moves into Ryuichiro's flat, but he sets to work to be the father she never had.


Apr 11, 2010
Wagaya no Rekishi is a Japanese three-part television mini-series, shown on Fuji TV from April 9, 2010 to April 11, 2010 to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The show was known for its star-studded cast.
Mirai Koshi Meguru

Mirai Koshi Meguru

Mar 14, 2008
Meguru Yoshida est professeur d'anglais dans une école de cours du soiret est obligée de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille après la disparition de son père endetté. Meguru a un don étrange. Chaque fois qu'elle mange trop, elle a des visions de ce que l'avenir réserve à ceux qui sont en sa présence. Un jour, en mangeant du bœuf grillé au barbecue, elle se rend compte que son petit ami, Yuki, deviendra chauve et gras 20 ans plus tard. Elle est découragée à l'idée de finir par vivre sa vie avec Yuki, surtout après avoir assisté à une fête avec d'anciens camarades de classe qui, selon elle, vont devenir de très beaux hommes.


Aug 13, 2013
Cinq anciens camarades de collège reçoivent un email d'une fille qui était leur camarade de classe, mais qui a disparu lors d'un voyage scolaire il y a 20 ans. L'e-mail amène les cinq anciens camarades à se revoir.
自由な女神 -バックステージ・イン・ニューヨーク-
25-year-old Sachi works at a local construction company. Her mother died when she was young and she lives alone with her father, Kohei. Kohei is a very conservative person and does not like trying out new things. Due to this, Sachi has never eaten avocado and kiwi. One day, a drag queen name Cool Mint appears in front of Sachi in super flashy makeup and costume. This becomes a turning point of Sachi who finds motivation to leave her town to Tokyo and explore doing what she likes. Meanwhile, Sachi realises that she is about to fall in love with her roommate, Ken, but Atsushi appears and a love triangle is formed.


Nov 12, 1992
Azusa Akiyama is top of her class, only daughter of a supermarket manager in Los Angeles. Kouhei Takamoto is her classmate, a rough and tumble guitarist for the band Cherry Boys. One day after school, they crash into each other, and fallen electrical lines cause them to switch bodies.
Doctor-X - Daimon Michiko
Michiko Daimon est une chirurgienne freelance. Elle est embauchée à l'hôpital universitaire pour remplacer plusieurs médecins qui ont quitté leur poste. Daimon n'est pas une chirurgienne typique. Elle n'a cure de la hiérarchie, ne fait que ce qui nécessite un diplôme de médecine, ne fait pas d'heures supplémentaires. Ses honoraires sont exorbitants pour l’hôpital car elle n'échoue jamais dans ses opérations. Bousculant un hôpital sclérosé par les luttes de pouvoir entre médecins, elle pratique une médecine de haut niveau toujours au bénéfice de ses patients.
Doctor-X - Daimon Michiko
Michiko Daimon est une chirurgienne freelance. Elle est embauchée à l'hôpital universitaire pour remplacer plusieurs médecins qui ont quitté leur poste. Daimon n'est pas une chirurgienne typique. Elle n'a cure de la hiérarchie, ne fait que ce qui nécessite un diplôme de médecine, ne fait pas d'heures supplémentaires. Ses honoraires sont exorbitants pour l’hôpital car elle n'échoue jamais dans ses opérations. Bousculant un hôpital sclérosé par les luttes de pouvoir entre médecins, elle pratique une médecine de haut niveau toujours au bénéfice de ses patients.


May 20, 2013
Takako Mamiya is a lawyer who quits her job at a prestigious law firm and establishes her own office. She confidently sets out to build her business, but soon her former firm is putting up obstacles and interfering, causing Takako's employees and clients to drift away. She finally puts together a new staff consisting of a college student who knows little about the law, a girl who applied for the job in hopes of meeting a rich guy, a hard-nosed lawyer, and a paralegal who hasn't passed the bar exam yet. Takako reluctantly handles divorce cases with her incompetent crew. For an elite lawyer like her, divorce cases are the most boring and unrewarding cases that exist. Through clashing with her employees and clients, Takako soon becomes a very mature and tough lawyer. "Divorce Lawyer" also tells the story of how difficult it is to judge love and relationships in legal terms.
Honey Trap

Honey Trap

Dec 21, 2013
Miyama Yuichi travaille au département des matériaux avancés de la société commerciale "Souwa Bussan", tandis que sa femme, Endo Natsumi, travaille au département financier de la même société. Alors que leur mariage est imminent, Yuichi travaille chaque jour au développement d'un nouveau matériau miracle. Son patron, Orita, annonce à Yuichi que la direction a décidé de créer une nouvelle société pour poursuivre le développement de ce nouveau matériau, et qu'il sera le directeur de cette nouvelle société.
Without an official spy organisation, Japan is seen as a hotbed for crime by foreign and domestic criminal groups. K13 is a unit established within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to combat this situation. The activities of K13 are known only to a few people and its members do not exist on record. Led by the top agent code named Mirage, K13 members target not only brutal crimes but are also given secret missions to handle crimes which cannot be solved politically and socially. Meanwhile, there are people who intend to set up a police organisation like the FBI in the US and strengthen the Japanese police by enacting a bill to expand its powers. Before long, the K13 gets embroiled too and a huge conspiracy is revealed.


Mar 28, 2004
Eiryo Waga is well-known musician who has begun a rapid climb to stardom, but he must keep his terrible past a secret. One day someone who knows all about his past confronts him, and Waga kills him in order to protect the fame he has obtained. Unfortunately, as Waga is leaving the scene, he runs into Asami, a budding stage actress. An investigation team is established led by two detectives, but they have difficulty making any headway. Meanwhile, by coincidence Waga bumps into Asami again. She also has her own dark past, and soon they fall in love. But Waga is already engaged to Ayaka whose father is responsible for his rapid ascent to the top of the music world. It looks like Waga’s ambitions are about to confront reality. Based on Seicho Matsumoto’s famous work that was released in 1960-61, this drama illustrates the life of a man burdened with a heavy fate in a contemporary setting.


Feb 18, 2006
Two mountaineers fall in love with the same woman. When one of the men plunges to his death, suspicion falls on the survivor.
A super big project commemorating the 25th anniversary of the formation of TEAM NACS and the 30th anniversary of wowow's opening. It was filmed in Hokkaido, the birthplace of TEAM NACS. Starting with "Back to the Sentai Futures", in which members dress as heroes who homage the masterpiece movie and Yo Yoshida participates as the villain "Emperor DeLorean", music is produced with the aim of becoming a national group, "NACS New Member Audition" will be held.
Mecha-Mecha Iketeru! is a popular Japanese variety show, shown on Fuji TV. The hosts of the show are the owarai duo Ninety-Nine, and the show is usually attended by regulars Yoiko, Gokuraku Tombo, Oasiz, Shinji Takeda, Akiko Hinagata, and Sarina Suzuki. However, Gokuraku Tombo's Keiichi Yamamoto has not appeared on the show since being involved in a scandal in 2006. Egashira 2:50 also appears as a semi-regular guest. The show is also known as Mecha-Ike.


Mar 19, 2010
Set in a city hotel called Point, where there is a strange "Room 0" that can reveal one's "grade" as a human being. Various guests with different circumstances visit the room, hoping to determine their own worth.


Aug 07, 2019
A man has a wife in different parts of Japan and takes each out to a restaurant when a business trip from the others.


Jun 30, 2022
Une histoire parentale étrange, stupide et douce entre un ancien jeune Yang, Honest Higurashi, qui tient une taverne dans une ville balnéaire, et une fille solitaire, Kanahana, qui "entend le cœur des gens".
イノセンス 冤罪弁護士
This work is a human drama that attorney, Taku Kurokawa challenges reversal play with weapons, passion, and science as a weapon to cause "miracle" to clear false charges. Kurokawa who plays Sakaguchi actively opposes fake crime defense, which is said to be impossible, reproduces the events that occurred on the scene in an experiment and tries to elucidate the incident. In addition, Naoki Fujiki appears as a new American lawyer, Kazuaki Wakakura who is swayed by the pioneer, Haruna Kawaguchi , a scientist who lends power to Taku, Kyoichiro Akiro .
Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro
Le détective Goro Akechi est passionné par la gastronomie. Beau garçon mais incroyablement excentrique, il résout les crimes liés à la nourriture. Il traite Ichigo Kobayashi comme son assistante et l'entraîne dans toutes sortes d'affaires, même si elle ne désire n'avoir qu'à gérer son foodtruck.


Sep 10, 2024
Chiyomi Horikiri (Ai Iinuma) is a warm hearted high school student. She is a member of her school's basketball team. She stays bright even in a bit complicated family composition. Her boyfriend is Hiroyuki Minami (Yusei Yagi). One day, Hiroyuki Minami suddenly shrinks in size to only 15 cm. in height. He can easily fit in the palm of someone's hand. He appears in front of his girlfriend Chiyomi Horikiri.