Kenji Tamura

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A British comedy in Japanese clothes, with central character Ginji at once earnest farm boy and entrepreneurial savant, finding ingenious and entertaining solutions in a timeless tale of business and found family.
Everybody has theories that they personally cling blindly to regardless of proof or scientific validity. In this entertaining information program, a host of celebrities present their cases for pet theories to studio guests by any means be it academic argument or laughably “out there” logic. Can their theories gain acceptance? Or will they be discarded as pop science that only adds confusion to the world? Find out through exhaustive examination including on-location experiments!
HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents Documental
Produit par Matsumoto Hitoshi, Documental est une expérience qui a pour but de réunir 10 comédiens dans une pièce et de les faire s'affronter... par le rire. Peu importe les moyens et méthodes, ils doivent faire rire les autres afin de les éliminer, le dernier à rester dans la pièce remporte 10 millions de yens et le prix du comédien le plus drôle.
Gaki no Tsukai Ne Pas Rire Batsu Game
Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!! (ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!!?), parfois abrégée Gaki no Tsukai ou Gaki Tsuka, est une émission de télévision humoristique japonaise (owarai) créée et présentée par le duo Downtown depuis le 3 octobre 1989. Le programme est diffusé sur Nippon TV et continue à ce jour : Gaki no Tsukai fête son 1 000e épisode le 18 avril 2010. Le challenge No Laughing (Ne Pas Rire) consiste à mettre nos protagonistes dans des situations les plus farfelues les unes que les autres, il est formèlement interdit de rire sous peine de punition.


Oct 10, 2014
The show's title can be translated as “The Matsumoto Family's Vacation”. The fictitious Matsumoto family consist of four members: Hitoshi Matsumoto who plays the mom; Tôru Hotohara as the dad; Kenji Tamura as the son and lastly Sada as the daughter. With this stereotypical and funny Osaka family we go out on many adventures, exploring food and activities from the Kansai area.
Everybody has theories that they personally cling blindly to regardless of proof or scientific validity. In this entertaining information program, a host of celebrities present their cases for pet theories to studio guests by any means be it academic argument or laughably “out there” logic. Can their theories gain acceptance? Or will they be discarded as pop science that only adds confusion to the world? Find out through exhaustive examination including on-location experiments!