Елена Старостина

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Moscou ne dort jamais

Moscou ne dort jamais

Mar 10, 2017
MOSCOU NE DORT JAMAIS est un drame multi-narratif qui capture l'énergie cinétique de la capitale russe dans une affirmation provocatrice sur la Russie de Poutine. Le film plonge tête baissée dans les intersections volatiles de la Moscou contemporaine et les vies intimes de cinq personnes: un ENTREPRENEUR dont l'empire commercial est assiégé par de puissants bureaucrates, une ADOLESCENTE qui croupit dans la misère d'un foyer brisé, UN JEUNE HOMME forcé de choisir entre sa petite amie et sa grand-mère ; une belle CHANTEUSE déchirée par la poursuite de deux hommes et une STAR DE FILM malade qui se retrouve mêlée à un étrange enlèvement. Au cours d'une journée, leur vie va changer à jamais.


Nov 01, 1990
This life period of the main character Felix (L. Lutvinsky) coincides with rather complicated period of country history Chernenko dies, Gorbachev succeeds him, then Ligachev criticizes Eltsin, county is reined by deficit, backstairs influence, queues, war in Afghanistan Having invented nothing better, electrical engineer escapes from reality and becomes a street cleaner. He is a kind of going underground, locking himself in a stuffy cleaners box room and pretending that nothing arouses his interest.


May 04, 2023
Olga brings up two children from different marriages, cares about her alcoholic father and tries to adjust her personal life. The eldest daughter Anya is studying in a vocational school, she thinks that she is the only adequate member of the family, and in her life everything will be different. The younger son Timofey, whose father returned to the first family in Azerbaijan, believes that he is already a man, although he is only 11 years old. Olga's father, Yuri Gennadievich, a former football player, drinks hard and constantly lies, which often leads to scrape. And sister Lena is trying to live at the expense of men - mostly married. Eternally saving relatives from troubles, Olga lives a strange life and rarely thinks of herself until Grisha, a young and positive driver of the “Sable” hearse, falls in love with her.