Marcus Quillan

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Secret Sex Society 2: The Game
Une mystérieuse invitation donne à Emmy la chance de vivre ses fantasmes. Dans The Game, vous pouvez être qui vous voulez, avec qui vous voulez, mais où se termine la vraie vie et où commence The Game ?
Un moment de plaisir

Un moment de plaisir

Feb 25, 2020
"J'aime comment tu me lèches la chatte mais...", "On peut faire un plan à trois ?", "Je veux te sodomiser? !" Il peut être difficile de parler de sexe. Pleasure Fix est une application conçue pour aider les couples à explorer leur sexualité en essayant de nouvelles choses et en approfondissant leurs désirs mutuels.
Chaudes vacances

Chaudes vacances

Aug 26, 2021
Il y a quelque chose dans le fait d'être en vacances qui fait grimper votre libido. Se sentir libre, détendu et dans un nouvel espace peut faire ressortir votre côté aventurier. N'est-il pas temps de partir ?
Ce que veulent les hommes
Ce n'est un secret pour personne que la plupart des films pornographiques grand public sont conçus en fonction du regard des hommes. Mais combien de clichés et d'histoires centrées sur le sexe masculin sont réellement excitants ? Jeff remet en question ses hypothèses sur le sexe, avec des résultats explosifs...


Nov 25, 2021
L'antigène se propageait par contact cutané. Quand ils ont interdit le toucher, tout le monde a supposé que les populations s'y conformeraient. Vera est un Œil, son travail consiste à surveiller, à observer. Mais la soif de peau ne peut être ni contrôlée ni combattue.
The Strangers

The Strangers

Apr 22, 2023
L'excentrique Eleanor et ses deux sœurs aînées héritent de Hampton Hall, une demeure seigneuriale située au cœur de la campagne anglaise. Les trois femmes n'ont rien en commun. Jusqu'au jour où des inconnus apparaissent sur le pas de leur porte...


Jan 01, 1970
This holiday, forget ‘his & her’s’, why not enjoy the best of both simultaneously? At Thousand Faces we feel like P.O.V. (Point Of View) porn gets a bad rap. Sure, it’s often super male-gazey & the hallmark of dudes-with-cameras claiming to be photographers. But done right, it can really immerse you in the experience of receiving pleasure regardless of gender. For our spin on the genre we thought: why not double the POV, make it a mutual Christmas present, & create Parallel Orgasm Vision?


Aug 26, 2021
Since starting Thousand Faces, I (Marcus) have wanted to make a dance film. Not the kind with a trite plot in between music video routines, or the kind where performers just dance then fuck. I want to combine different kinds of expressive performance and movement, so mixing dance and sex as seamlessly as possible makes total sense to me. With the help of Yiming’s Bachata dance experience and choreography skills, we took inspiration from each other’s musical & sexual interests, as well as the sex-work traditions of stripping, lap-dance, & chair-dance. We wanted to destroy existing expectation of what a porn film involving dance (or vice-versa) could be, and create something fresh & new.
Dirty Distance

Dirty Distance

Jan 01, 1970
The second film in our ‘Distance’ series, (check out the first here) shows once again that distance can be hard, but in a good way (if you know what we mean!) International cybersex has never been so cute, as our two performers (in Colombia and England respectively) play a lovesick long-distance couple pining for the sensual and emotional comfort of each others’ voices and bodies in these most trying of times. Caroline’s love of dancing and dirty talk sparked the initial idea, and we couldn’t wait to get up close and personal with every word, sigh, gasp, moan, flick of the tongue and touch of the fingers. Watch their real-time videocall session to completion, or just listen and get lost in the sensuous arousal & musicality of their words & noises.
Human Time (Part 2)

Human Time (Part 2)

Jan 01, 1970
When filming James and Nina for ‘Human Time’, there was so much great material both visually and aurally (Nina wrote and performed the beautifully intimate voiceover) that we simply had to make two separate films. Though just as tender and vulnerable as part 1, in part 2, we get even more explicit, with more involved rope-play including full suspension. We have a different sonic vibe with new original music giving a lush, dramatic backdrop of strings & electronics. Nina’s prose-poetry provides a perfect accompaniment to the more developed relationship we see on screen, offering a startlingly detailed and tender insight into their thoughts and feelings surrounding sex, kink, rope, and emotion.
A Sex Worker's Story 2
A few years on from our first Sex Worker’s Story film, another performer (Yiming Curiosity) provides another fantastic portrait of life in sex work, as varied as any other, giving us a window into her daily life, work, and desires. This time, we focus on cam and porn performance, following Yiming’s life and work in front of and behind the camera, including exploring some of her long-held fantasies, from domination to public sex. Our longest film yet, we packed this shoot with a great balance of documentary insight and super hot sexy fun.
Body Language

Body Language

Feb 24, 2022
À quel point maîtrisez-vous le langage corporel ? Les actions parlent plus que les mots, surtout dans la chambre, alors soyez courageux et dites ce que vous aimeriez vraiment !
The Listener

The Listener

Jan 13, 2022
Quand Nora déménage dans la vieille maison victorienne dont elle a hérité, elle ne croit pas à la chance qu’elle a. Mais très vite des phénomènes étranges se produisent. Une nuit, alors qu’elle se masturbait, elle entend des bruits étranges qui ressemblent à des baisers et à des brossages de dents. Elle comprend qu’elle peut en fait écouter ses voisins à distance de manière ultra précise. Son nouveau pouvoir est un mystère, mais elle va commencer à s’en servir pour écouter les conversations privées de ses voisins... jusqu’à ce qu’un obscur meurtrier vienne troubler le quartier. Réalisé par Lidia Ravviso, vous retrouverez dans cette comédie à suspense les talentueux Maisy Taylor, Romeo, Heidi Switch, Ryan Ryder, Effie Diaz et Honour May dans un film qui mélange la tension dramatique et la tension érotique comme vous ne l’avez encore jamais vu.
Sexual (R)evolution

Sexual (R)evolution

May 26, 2022
Red hot passion between lovers has always existed, yet attitudes to sex, modesty and gender roles continue to evolve. You may feel you're modern, but just how much of a Sexual Revolution will you take part in?


Sep 26, 2023
A collection of five scenes of couples coupling.
Sex Tech

Sex Tech

Aug 11, 2022
Founded by a group of tech nerds, “The Hub” is a start-up studying the effects of technology on relationships; from remote-activated toys and game development to algorithms pairing aural stimulation with sexual desire, these fantasy scenes pave the way for how couples can elevate their connection in the bedroom.
Sexe entre amis 2

Sexe entre amis 2

Nov 03, 2022
L'imagination débridée de Chrissie (Esluna Love) est à l'origine d'une série de fantasmes sexuels entre des amis de longue date.


May 02, 2024
You are my favourite ice cream. I am giddy with excitement as you appear! Expertly sizing you up, I wonder how best to begin savouring you. I shall patiently start with small licks. I'm going to enjoy this. You smell and taste so fucking good. Ok, now I just want to devour you...
The Group 2

The Group 2

Dec 22, 2023
Many of us know exactly how amazing sex can feel. Yet very few of us experience multiple lovers, simultaneously. No wonder 'threesome' continues to be one of's top search terms. Take delight in this follow-up set of tremendous trios!


Dec 12, 2023
Founded by a group of tech nerds, The Hub, is a start-up studying the effects of technology on relationships; from remote-activated toys and game development to algorithms pairing aural stimulation to sexual desire, these fantasy scenes pave the way for how couples can elevate their connection in the bedroom.
Everyday Turn-Ons

Everyday Turn-Ons

Jun 17, 2019
Vous êtes seul à la maison lorsque les gémissements et les gémissements de plaisir de vos voisins commencent à s'infiltrer à travers les murs. L'ignorez-vous ? Ou les rejoignez-vous ? Rejoignez le podcast torride d'Effie alors qu'elle partage de vraies histoires érotiques pour vous exciter...
Pointe to Please

Pointe to Please

Oct 08, 2023
The closeness of contrasting cultural forces are highlighted, letting the performers take the lead in showcasing their own abilities and identities, with some acro-chair dance thrown in for good measure. We also wanted to play with the shared voyeuristic aspects of both dance and sex work, highlighting their queer histories.


Aug 26, 2021
Since starting Thousand Faces, I (Marcus) have wanted to make a dance film. Not the kind with a trite plot in between music video routines, or the kind where performers just dance then fuck. I want to combine different kinds of expressive performance and movement, so mixing dance and sex as seamlessly as possible makes total sense to me. With the help of Yiming’s Bachata dance experience and choreography skills, we took inspiration from each other’s musical & sexual interests, as well as the sex-work traditions of stripping, lap-dance, & chair-dance. We wanted to destroy existing expectation of what a porn film involving dance (or vice-versa) could be, and create something fresh & new.


Jan 01, 1970
This holiday, forget ‘his & her’s’, why not enjoy the best of both simultaneously? At Thousand Faces we feel like P.O.V. (Point Of View) porn gets a bad rap. Sure, it’s often super male-gazey & the hallmark of dudes-with-cameras claiming to be photographers. But done right, it can really immerse you in the experience of receiving pleasure regardless of gender. For our spin on the genre we thought: why not double the POV, make it a mutual Christmas present, & create Parallel Orgasm Vision?
Human Time (Part 2)

Human Time (Part 2)

Jan 01, 1970
When filming James and Nina for ‘Human Time’, there was so much great material both visually and aurally (Nina wrote and performed the beautifully intimate voiceover) that we simply had to make two separate films. Though just as tender and vulnerable as part 1, in part 2, we get even more explicit, with more involved rope-play including full suspension. We have a different sonic vibe with new original music giving a lush, dramatic backdrop of strings & electronics. Nina’s prose-poetry provides a perfect accompaniment to the more developed relationship we see on screen, offering a startlingly detailed and tender insight into their thoughts and feelings surrounding sex, kink, rope, and emotion.
Dirty Distance

Dirty Distance

Jan 01, 1970
The second film in our ‘Distance’ series, (check out the first here) shows once again that distance can be hard, but in a good way (if you know what we mean!) International cybersex has never been so cute, as our two performers (in Colombia and England respectively) play a lovesick long-distance couple pining for the sensual and emotional comfort of each others’ voices and bodies in these most trying of times. Caroline’s love of dancing and dirty talk sparked the initial idea, and we couldn’t wait to get up close and personal with every word, sigh, gasp, moan, flick of the tongue and touch of the fingers. Watch their real-time videocall session to completion, or just listen and get lost in the sensuous arousal & musicality of their words & noises.


Apr 02, 2021
Ever wanted to feel the thrill of the unknown and push your boundaries without fear of danger or disappointment? That’s exactly what our curious customer seeks in the mysterious Trinity tavern and it’s alluring barkeep that she is sent to become acquainted with. With cryptic clues, passwords, and an unexpected observer at a piano, she soon discovers a new way to experience bodily bliss while freeing the mind. The surrealism of Twin Peaks, body-swap sci-fi of Dollhouse, & magical ritualism of Eyes Wide Shut combine as we ask the question: Will you forsake cerebral constriction, for complete corporeality?
A Sex Worker's Story 2
A few years on from our first Sex Worker’s Story film, another performer (Yiming Curiosity) provides another fantastic portrait of life in sex work, as varied as any other, giving us a window into her daily life, work, and desires. This time, we focus on cam and porn performance, following Yiming’s life and work in front of and behind the camera, including exploring some of her long-held fantasies, from domination to public sex. Our longest film yet, we packed this shoot with a great balance of documentary insight and super hot sexy fun.
The Birthday

The Birthday

Mar 05, 2024
For Kali’s Birthday, her lover sends her a mysterious invite to an unknown location, where she finds him waiting: kneeling, blindfolded, hands bound, and ready for her to unwrap and use her gift however she pleases. Two of their friends and lovers welcome her, eager to help make this the best Birthday present she could have wished for.
The Girlfriend Experience
Adaptation en série du film de Steven Soderbergh, "The Girlfriend Experience" explore les relations de call-girls avec leurs clients, auxquels elles offrent plus que du sexe, mais une intimité proche de celle qu'ils peuvent avoir avec leurs épouses ou compagnes.