Sofia Brattwall

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Feb 27, 2009
Mikael Blomkvist est journaliste économique dans le magazine Millenium. Condamné pour diffamation, il décide de prendre de la distance avec sa vie et son métier. Mais Henrik Vanger, grande figure de l'industrie suédoise, fait appel à lui afin d'enquêter sur une disparition non élucidée, celui d'Harriet Vanger, nièce du grand homme et disparue à l'âge de 16 ans. Au cours de ses recherches, Blomkvist se rend compte que la famille Vanger semble cacher bien des haines et des secrets. Dans le cadre de son enquête, le journaliste est amené à rencontrer Lisbeth Salander. La jeune femme de 24 ans possède un don exceptionnel, celui de découvrir des informations introuvables. Tous deux vont être amenés à se croiser dans une enquête qui va révéler beaucoup plus que ce que chacun aurait pu imaginer…


Oct 23, 2013
Change is in the air for Tony; an adolescent trying to make sense of life as summer draws closer for every day. Where many teenagers minds seem to be full of wishes and future dreams Tony’s is not, it’s too occupied with all the destructive things going on around him as he turns to the naive dreamer Anna for comfort. Through her, and her stories about Orion, stars and love Tony finds hope for the first time in his life.


Dec 11, 2016
A group of friends, having been told of a strange hermetic hippie-like society in the Swedish wilderness, set off on an adventure to find it. As they are drawn deeper into the forest, mysterious events start to unsettle the dynamics of the group, reality begins to shift in ways none of them could have imagined, and relations between the friends become volatile.
En Drink med Dracula

En Drink med Dracula

Nov 11, 2011
As Ante goes out for his regular Friday binge, he gets a unpleasant surprise. The genre of the pub and people's attitudes change with every drink he takes. And it all ends in the deepest horror.


Nov 03, 2023
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.


Nov 03, 2023
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.


Nov 03, 2023
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.