Ava Kujik

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Death Pool

Death Pool

Jun 20, 2017
Johnny Taylor has a big problem: he LOVES to drown good-looking girls. When he sees water and attractive females together, something in his head begs him to kill - the psychological result of a traumatic near-drowning during his childhood at the hands of a twisted babysitter. Fighting the urge to act on his sinister thoughts most of his adult life, Johnny finally succumbs to his dark instincts when the only work he can find is around water, cleaning pools. Filled with colorful characters, beautiful women and set against the backdrop of the LA party scene, Death Pool encapsulates the desire for fame, the lust for desire, and the urge to kill.
Mind Blown : menace psychique
Les télékinétiques utilisent leurs pouvoirs psychiques pour maîtriser les éléments. Capables de provoquer ou d'empêcher des catastrophes naturelles, ils rejoignent une structure top secrète du gouvernement qui souhaite mener des expériences sur leurs pouvoirs...
Science Fiction
Devil's Domain

Devil's Domain

May 19, 2017
Lisa est victime de harcèlement au lycée depuis qu'elle a révélé son homosexualité. Elle en devient anorexique. Le paroxysme est atteint lorsqu'une vidéo d'elle en train de vomir et de se masturber est diffusée sur internet. Elle conclut alors un pacte avec le diable pour se venger.
Empire of Dirt

Empire of Dirt

Sep 15, 2017
Empire of Dirty quite literally starts things off with a flash and a bang, and the action and suspense is sky high from there. The suspense is the most palpable as the viewer will crave the answers more than the man fighting the guards. Why is he there? Why is he shooting everyone? Why is this the path he needs to take? Vomiting demons, writhing serpents, and the unrepentant voice of one’s reckoning act as a court of justice for this fellow.