Goliarda Sapienza

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Dec 30, 1954
En 1866, la Vénétie est sous le joug de l'occupant autrichien. La comtesse Livia Serpieri est de ceux qui s'opposent avec vigueur à cette mainmise étrangère. Jusqu'au jour où elle s'éprend violemment d'un jeune lieutenant autrichien...
L'Amour à la ville

L'Amour à la ville

Nov 27, 1953
L'Amour à la ville ou cinq histoires presque vraies, réalisées par cinq grands metteurs en scène italiens sur la misère de l'amour à Rome dans le ton du néoréalisme social. « Suicides manqués » de Michelangelo Antonioni ; « Agence matrimoniale » de Federico Fellini ; « Les Italiens se retournent » d'Alberto Lattuada ; « L'Histoire de Catherine » de Francesco Maselli ; « Le Bal du samedi soir » de Dino Risi
Les égarés

Les égarés

Sep 07, 1955
En 1943, la comtesse Luisa, son fils Andrea, son neveu Carlo, fils d'un dirigeant fasciste et Ferrucio, un ami de la famille, quittent Milan pour la campagne et ainsi échapper aux bombardements. Contre l'avis de sa mère, Andrea accepte d'héberger des sans-abris, dont la jeune ouvrière Lucia...
Persiane chiuse

Persiane chiuse

Mar 08, 1951
Sandra searches her missing sister. For this, she enters the morally degraded seaside of Genoa.
Il dialogo di Roma

Il dialogo di Roma

Feb 23, 1983
'The subject of this film is the conversation between a man and a woman. A couple, maybe lovers, maybe married, it doesn't matter. (...) During this conversation, we do not see but the city of Rome. I wanted to transmit that what Rome provokes in me, the feeling of an intrinsic matter, indissoluble, in difference with Paris, made of small parks and open spaces, crossed by the sky and the wind. Hand in hand with the film, the difficulty of the two lovers assumes a clearer, more explicit form. But as much as, in my opinion, it is impossible to describe and film Rome, the difficulty in the love of a couple can never be totally understood.' - Marguerite Duras, Venice film festival catalogue, 1982.
La donna del giorno

La donna del giorno

Feb 06, 1957
A struggling model concocts a story of being raped and beaten by three strangers and soon becomes a media darling. Complications arise when the police eventually arrest three suspects.

Jun 13, 2024

Born on the 1st of January 1900 in a poor family in rural Sicily, Modesta pursues happiness since her childhood without falling victim to the constraints of society. After a tragic event that takes her away from her family, Modesta is welcomed into a monastery, where she becomes the Mother Superior’s protégé thanks to her intelligence and stubbornness. Later, she arrives at the villa belonging to the Princess of Brandiforti, where she makes herself indispensable. This relentless process of emancipation goes along with a journey of personal growth and sexual awakening, which lead her to discover and claim the right to pleasure and happiness.