Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
Kristofer (Tuper), is a teenage aspiring filmmaker who dreams of making it to Cannes. While making his short film, his friends pressures him about "doing it" with his girlfriend. He gets introduced by his girlfriend's parents, and a twist of fate happens.
In a small town in the late 70s, when shadow puppet shows were still an entertainment trend. Daniel, the puppet master fights for his love for Angie and willing to give the world to her. Will Angie's Father be approved of him?
In a small town in the late 70s, when shadow puppet shows were still an entertainment trend. Daniel, the puppet master fights for his love for Angie and willing to give the world to her. Will Angie's Father be approved of him?
In a small town in the late 70s, when shadow puppet shows were still an entertainment trend. Daniel, the puppet master fights for his love for Angie and willing to give the world to her. Will Angie's Father be approved of him?
In a small town in the late 70s, when shadow puppet shows were still an entertainment trend. Daniel, the puppet master fights for his love for Angie and willing to give the world to her. Will Angie's Father be approved of him?
In a small town in the late 70s, when shadow puppet shows were still an entertainment trend. Daniel, the puppet master fights for his love for Angie and willing to give the world to her. Will Angie's Father be approved of him?
When Jaylou, a mechanic, discovers the code of conventional courtship, he decides to use that discovery to carve his name in history. What could possibly go wrong?