Martin Aliaga

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Nov 18, 2009
The seemingly random murder of a jogger in woodland and the detonation of car bombs in central Ystad are but diversions to busy the police whilst a security van are robbed of 15 million kroner. Isabelle and Portus witness this and give chase but are attacked by the criminals and hospitalized. Given the security firm's meticulous contingency plan Wallander suspects a leak from the inside and aims for Micke Sterner, a compulsive gambler and the only staff member to know the encoded transit schedules. But some private sleuthing by over-worked Svartman, who has found the robbers' den, and Wallander's suspicions of an ex-cop turned security officer with connections to the firm provide the real break-through.
Sairaan kaunis maailma
Ippe and Papu are two teenagers spending the summer, when they get into trouble with their drug-dealer. They are forced to act as drug-mules. Along the way they meet a new girl, Mia.


Feb 16, 2001
17 years old Lina goes to the Arvika Festival with her boyfriend Calle despite that her mother forbade her. At the festival she meets the singer Marc and they start to like each other but things are getting difficult.
Beck - Hämndens pris

Beck - Hämndens pris

Jun 27, 2001
Two patrolling cops stumble on to three criminals who have just stolen large amounts of explosives, and are killed in cold blood. Martin Beck and his team must now work day and night to find out who the killers are and what they are planning to do with the explosives before it's too late. Meanwhile, Gunvald Larsson who was a close friend of one of the murdered cops is ignoring all rules in his quest for revenge.


Apr 27, 2007
Antonio Moro works for gangster boss Thomas Ståhl. He lives happily with his girlfriend Tanya who is expecting their child. Antonio's future looks bright, until one evening when he is ordered to kill a person who is close to all of them.
Wallander : Enquêtes criminelles
Kurt Wallander est un inspecteur de police dans la petite ville d'Ystad, au sud de la Suède. Séparé de sa femme, il est le père d'une jeune fille, Linda, qui fait tout pour qu'il rencontre quelqu'un. Mais cet homme se consacre nuit et jour à résoudre ses enquêtes qui lui sont confiées avec son équipe, aux dépens de sa vie privée. Son seul objectif est d'arrêter les meurtriers. Alors qu'il lutte toujours pour découvrir la vérité, Wallander se trouve confronté aux aspects les plus sombres de la société suédoise.
Johan Falk

Johan Falk

Aug 24, 2015
When Johan Falk was 19 years old he lost his girlfriend Maria and their unborn child when Maria got hit by a car. Falk takes the accident very hard and do not even go to the funeral. He decides that crime must be fought and applies immediately to the Police Academy. The movies are, however, only about Falk as an police officer with many years of experience from the National Task Force. He often goes his own way and does not shy away from using controversial methods. This leads to that the colleagues often experience difficulties in cooperating with him and managers are forced to turn a blind eye to what he's doing.