Sean Hepburn Ferrer

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Audrey Hepburn: Remembered
Audrey Hepburn was one of the movies' best-loved stars, blessed with beauty, talent, an elegant sophistication and an enduring aura of youthful innocence. As Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, she spoke for the world's suffering children and families, earning an affection and admiration that only increased with news of her untimely death. From the star herself we learn of her career and the family and friendships that were her priority.
TV Movie
Et tout le monde riait
Leon Leondopolis, directeur de l'agence de détectives new-yorkaise Odyssey, a bien des soucis en ce moment : son dos, sa femme qui le harcèle au téléphone, sa secrétaire et maîtresse qui le fait marcher. Quand à ses fins limiers, John, Charles et Arthur, ils sont censés filer les femmes des maris jaloux. Mais très vite, Leon s'aperçoit que les jeunes détectives les séduisent !
Good to Go

Good to Go

Aug 01, 1986
After being misled by the police about a rape and murder near a popular Washington, D.C. Go-Go club, a jaded journalist begins digging into the establishment's racist framework.
One Shoe Makes it Murder
After being misled by the police about a rape and murder near a popular Washington, D.C. Go-Go club, a jaded journalist begins digging into the establishment's racist framework.
Strangers Kiss

Strangers Kiss

Sep 17, 1983
To help his actress girlfriend regain her confidence a Hollywood bigshot bankrolls a small budget film being made by a first-time producer and director pair. Despite the hand-to-mouth way it has to be made the film starts to come good, as does the off-set relationship between the actress and her unknown male lead.