Leonie Rainer

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Die Spökenkiekerin und das Fräulein
Somewhere in the Münsterland region of the 19th century, a shepherdess and well-known soothsayer - known as the "Spökenkiekerin" in Westphalian - causes an uproar in the village community with her seemingly insane prophecies. The mayor, in particular, is annoyed by her prophecies. He decides to have her chased out of the village. But a lovely young lady comes to the shepherdess's aid with her occult powers.
Katja Dreams of Waking Up
Katja (27) lives in Berlin and dreams every night of her own death, and her waking hours are a constant stream of work, digital distraction and a paranoia about the future - her inner life moving at a speed that seems unsustainable. While on vacation in northern Norway, she has an extreme encounter with raw nature and gets a new perspective on herself - she returns to Berlin with the intentions of changing her life. But the demon inside her is hard to shake off.


Mar 07, 2019
Eight-year-old Jonathan grows beyond himself on an excursion into a dark forest as he overcomes his fear of the dark and is forced to take away the fear of death from his father, who becomes seriously injured on the trip.
Un passé si présent

Un passé si présent

Mar 27, 2016
Après avoir témoigné contre son ex-mari, Ted, un escroc de la finance qui a juré de se venger, Kate vit sous le régime de protection des témoins. Elle a déménagé en Cournouailles, où elle élève seule son fils, Channing. Le jour de ses 19 ans, ce dernier, champion d'aviron, souhaite connaître l'identité de son père.
SOKO Potsdam

SOKO Potsdam

Mar 03, 2025
Luna Kunath (Caroline Erikson) and Tamara Meurer (Anjua Pahl) work together in the Potsdam murder commission. Luna is single, strong, assertive, funny, empathic, sporty and fast in the head. It is an excellent policewoman whose carefree always accompanies with a little naivety and brings you again and again in brenzy situations. Tamara, however, has more mature, adult. The two of the boss Bernhard Henschel (Michael Lott) and the colleagues David Grünbaum (Omar El-Saeidi), Christoph Westermann (Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen), lail-sure Thomas Brandner (Yung No) and legal physician Werner Vense (Bernd Stegemann). Potsdam, Berlin's pretty little sister, confronts the commissars again and again with a wide variety of life effects. However, the team not only determines in Potsdam, but must always be out of the surrounding area. Because the crime does not stop at the city limit.
Lena Lorenz

Lena Lorenz

Apr 04, 2024
Lena Lorenz est sage-femme en milieu hospitalier. Un jour, elle en assez de l'agitation de l'hôpital de Berlin, et décide d'aller se détendre dans la ferme parentale de Himmelsruh pendant un mois. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas plus calme là-bas ! Sa mère Eva, son grand-père et son amie d'enfance Julia ne la reçoivent pas vraiment à bras ouverts. Néanmoins, à l'issue de son mois de vacances, Lena décide de rester à Himmelsruh et d'y ouvrir son propre cabinet.
La maison von Kummerveldt
Dans le Wilhelminisme de l'Empire allemand, où seul le carcan rigide du patriarcat traverse les épais murs qui séparent les classes sociales, La maison von Kummerveldt met en lumière les premières revendications féministes d'outre-Rhin à travers la rébellion d'une jeune aristocrate.
Inga Lindström

Inga Lindström

Dec 28, 2024
Series written by Christiane Sadlo about writer and journalist under the pseudonym "Inga Lindström" and her family. Characterized by impressive landscapes, all of which are shot on location in Sweden. Series has no continuous storyline, and each episode is filled with new characters.
Der Bergdoktor

Der Bergdoktor

Feb 06, 2025
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.


Mar 24, 2024
Bursting amniotic bags, babies in a pelvic position, premature contractions: for midwives Nalan, Anna and Greta, a state of emergency is the order of the day.